London, United Kingdom | Review on July 27, 2010: | efc

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My appointment was at 9.30am, I arrived about 9.00am, the line was quite short.
Well actually I arrived at 8am as I had gone early to get photos and store my phone at Gould's. I knew that was too early so went to Starbucks nearby.
The lady at the front of the line checked my letter and passport and asked me to take off my watch, bangles and belt. Then I went in the security room where my bags were scanned. I drank some of my water to prove it was safe. The people in there were very nice.
Once in the main door they gave me a number, and I sat down in the big waiting room nervously waiting for my number to pop up on the screen. I initially waited for 1 hour til I was called to a window. The woman was very unfriendly and made me feel uncomfortable immediately. What does it cost to smile???
She asked for my passport, passport photos, birth certificate (where the fun starts...) My birth certificate was the wrong version. She was very rude and said something like 'I hope you have got another birth certificate, you can't get a visa with this' Well my heart sank immediately and I wasn't sure if I would burst into tears or throw something at her! Anyway, I managed to remain calm, and apologized and said I didnt know there was another type (long form) she said they will continue with the interview, and the consular officer will infom me about the birth certificate later.
Then it was fingerprint time.
This was the moment I shed tears as she was so rude (again)
When it came to my thumbs she wasnt getting a good enough reading (my fingers were sweaty)
It took 6-7 attempts. She was telling me to move them up further, I was like 'I cant my thumbs are short!) Then she told me to clean my hands, Iwiped on the shirt loads, still didnt work. I then used sanitizer and she shouted at me saying 'what are you doing that is goin to make it worse'
Anyway got there in the end.
I know everyone has bad days at work but seriously, if you work with the public you gotta be nicer!
So then she asked for the I-134 Affidavit of Support. This caused a problem as my fiance had signed it in black permanent marked (not intentioanl at the time) so when she wet it it didnt smudge. Again, very rudly, she said to me 'I need the original' I told her it was, and gave her another copy that I had with me. She was then probing, finding out how I got it. I told her I was there visiting my fiance when he signed it. FYI...use a pen that smudges!
You could tell the original easily as the paper was thicker than the copy.
Anyway, then she asked for evidence to go with it. I gave her letter from his bank and employer. Then she asked for wageslips and then his tax info and W2.
Then she told me to take a seat and wait to be called by the consular officer.
I waited about another 45 minutes to be called back.
The consular officer was much nicer than the 1st lady. (female, american)
She first asked when we met and how, and how we had progressed from when we met to where we are now. She asked how many times we have seen each other, and when he proposed. Then she asked what his job was. I think that was it, no evidence asked for, so I carted around 2 huge photo albums for no reason! Anyway, she said 'all in your case looks good, we just have the birth certificate problem'
She gave me an address to get it from, and then a blue form saying my case has been suspended until documents are recieved. It also had a phone number on it to call when I get the certifiacte I call it and the courier will come get it.
So hopefully all willbe ok and I don't have to go back there.
A very bad day, but glad it's easily rectified. If it hadnt been the birth cert issue i would still be upset at the first lady's attitude to me.
The embassy was much quieter than when I was there a couple years ago. Not too hot, not too cold. I had taken my own drink and snack but there is a place to buy sandwiches etc from. Take a book as you will be waiting a while! Although you dont really concentrate on it as your head is constantly bobbing up and down looking at the screens!
Good luck everyone!
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