Jamaica | Review on June 17, 2010: | bajankutie
Rating: | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Our Interview was scheduled for 8:00am we arrived at 7:15am and it was a long line and we were instucted to go to the line in the front and they checked his name off the list and wrote on the back of his pictures. We were told 5 at a time and we then went through security and out in the back and walked into another building we gave the guy at the desk the papers and he gave us a yellow slip to put hubby's passport info on and number a130 and said go have a seat to the right. It was so crowded that we had to stand and the numbers were call out of order. After about 1 hr we were called to window 5 and the lady took his finger prints and his medical and asked if he has ever been to the US before. She then told us to have a seat. As we were there everyone that went to the window got blueslips for police records and I was thinking to myself well they didn't know that they need a police record before they came here(STUPID ME). We sat for about another 1 hr and the we were call to window 9 and sworn in by a young lady she was nice but she told me that I need a co sponsor cause my income for 2009 wasn't enough so I told he i was laid off for more than half of 2009 and I called the NCV on numerous occassions and was told to that it was fine cause I make more that enough in 2010 I had 6 months paystubs and she said that it is Jamaican Embassy rule that they only use 2009 tax returns. She told me to have a seat and then he pick up the phone and talk to her and then he came back and said he also need to get a new police record. He had to leave the go sit in a line to pay for the record then when went to take the receipt so it can be order but what we saw neither of us was prepared for the inside was jammed and the line outside was to long to explain we stood out there for 5 and a hlf hours in the hot sun and he saw a guy he knew from Mobay and he let him get infront of him. The placewas to close at 3:30 we left there at almost 6:00 and it was still open an full of people. I must say me experience wasn't a good one because what they where asking for could have been taken care of before we got there. She never asked me any question or look at any of the things we brought.
1.Where did you meet your wife?
2.When did you meet your wife?
3.Where does your wife work?
4.Was your wife married before?
5.Has your wife met your daughter?
6.Did he meet my kids?
7.Did he meet my mother?
8.How many people where at the wedding?
9.Who from my family was at the wedding?
10.Where in Ohio does your wife live?
11.How many times has your wife been to JA and for how long?
(updated on June 17, 2010)
(updated on June 17, 2010)
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