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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #6110

London, United Kingdom Review on May 21, 2010:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

From arriving outside to getting out of the building - 4 hours.
2 hour wait for first call to submit documents and fingerprints, however, I was at the bathroom when my number came up - there are only 2 toilets for females and a long queue and the tannoy system cannot be heard in the bathroom so you take a risk in going there! When I came out the bathroom I checked the screens and saw that my number had been called - I rushed to the window only to be met by a mean looking CO who said she was about to close her window as I had not come when my number was called. I explained I was at the bathroom, but that would make NO difference. If you don't hear your number, they have a right to send you away and go back to square 1 in applying for a new interview date - so be aware - go to the bathroom at your own risk!
She was stressed, and to be quite honest, who can blame them - there are hundreds of people in there, the paperwork must be astonomical. She said was sighing and grumbling and trying to find a form, then looked at the screen and complained that a different person's passport number had been entered on my screen. She said she'd fix that and was muttering under her breath about whoever had made such a stupid mistake. Then there was problems with her fingerprint machine, which had her huffing and puffing more and she threw a cloth at me and told me to wipe the machine down!
She then went on to say she was dying to go to her lunch (it was only 10.50am) and I would be the last person she would be seeing. I told her I appreciated how difficult her job was, too many people to see etc and that I had also done a government job and knew what it was like. Well, she liked that! That got her smiling, as if someone could finally appreciate how horrible her job was!
After that, she was all friendly, and only took the Affidavit of support, 1 tax return and employers letter. I had much more financial stuff but she didn't want any of it. She waved me goodbye all smiles, shut her window and said "I'm off!".
Waited about another hour and a half for interview. CO was super nice, young, black American woman. All smiles, really informal and very warm and sweet. She told me they had not received my medical results so could not approve me, but not to worry, the results would no doubt turn up that day or the next and she would keep my passport and it would be sent back to me with visa in it, without me having to do anything.
She only asked a couple of questions, where we met, where we're going to live. I told her I'd just bought a house, she asked if I intended to live in it with my fiance, to which I said "of course!". She laughed and apologised for asking, saying "some people have very strange ideas". She asked if I had a good relationship with my fiance's children and if I intended to work. I told her I would just be volunteering at the local animal shelter.
When she found out I worked with dogs, she asked me about a particular breed she wanted to get, I advised her against this breed and then she actually wrote down all other general advice I was giving her, where to get the right dog for her, her level of experience with dogs, her lifestyle etc and about getting a rescue dog as there was not enough homes to around for them, she agreed and told me she felt strongly about adopting children for the same reasons. She then said to me, "thank you so much for your advice"! It was like she had come to see me about dogs, not me being there for a visa interview. I could have chatted to her all day long. She really was a lovely person. A total star.

When I left the embassy, I called Knightsbridge Doctors. They said they had sent my results 4 days prior and said they would call the embassy. The doctors then called me back saying they had spoken to the embassy who had confirmed they did have my results and apologised for the mix up and they would process my visa asap.
All in all, I don't know why we worry so much about "the interview". It's just the long wait and lack of bathroom facilities which is stressful.

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