New Delhi, India | Review on May 17, 2010: | rs123

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My interview went good today . visa was approved. Here's my interview experience:
As i live closeby I started from home at 8.15am n reached 8.25am ....got there really 30 minutes before n stood in a line with appointment letter n passport n other docs...thats all i was carrying..no purse /bag ,nothing...as i entered,,,, i went thru the security check..very smooth...went inside a hall where they gave me a white token J26 (i didn’t knew all i have to do is to wait for this token number to appear on counters there for most of the time ...thats all ya do there...wait wait n wait for token number to appear.) so i reached sharp 9am (my appointment time)...so at 10.30 am They called my number and i went to the counter 29 for pre-screening of docs where an Indian man took my pending docs (birth certificate n medical report) and my fingerprints. He got the vfs package n started to return me the original docs ( i was returned everything original / all pics i submitted n all the call logs , boarding passes etc..infact everything that constitute proof of relationship) After he aligned all the paperwork he gave me a token to pay the fee draft at counter number 24 n return back to him the receipts..did so n then was asked to sit down n wait for my turn for final interview.. so waited for till 11.50 am till my J26 again appeared on the counter number 22.
The CO officer was a very nice n polite American. We greeted eachother n he asked me if i speak English..i said yes n followed the oath to speak truth. I don’t know if i looked funny..he smiled at me n asked the following questions:
1. Who is your Fiance?
2. Where did ya meet?
3. He smiled n asked ...what was i doing at the dating site n why dating site?....i answered n he laughed ...i smiled too 
4. If our parents approve of our wedding? What about his parents?
5. Where do they live?
6. Ya live in new delhi n he lives in gujrat...i said no he was born in gujrat n lives in US.
7. Where does he work?
8. What is he working there as?
9. Why are ya getting married in US n not in India?
10. Did ya had an engagement party?
Didnt ask to see any pics ...
He smiled again n said visa is approved n shall get it in a weeks time..
All this while he went to type something just once..else it was a very normal conversation of sorts..i never felt i was being interviewed.. The guy was really really nice n kept similing all the time. 
All these Questions just took about only 2 mins...yes only 2 mins ..n i was done.. reached home at 12. 10 noon. Had lunch..relaxed ..now posting review for all of ya 
All the Best to Everyone .....Cheers!
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