Chennai, India | Review on May 5, 2010: | vivekjay

Rating: | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
The review is for my wife's IR1 interview. She reached the consulate around 7.50AM for her 8AM interview. She went through security screening and they checked all the things she was carrying. Was asked to wait in a waiting area.
She was called to the first priliminary interview window around 9.30AM. She said the Indian lady at her window was really sweet. There was another man at a different window who appeared to be rude and the whole time she was waiting she was praying not to get him for the prescreen. The lady asked for our interview letter, passport, wedding photos and wedding invitation cards, photos of our trips together, medical reports. There were some basic questions like how did we meet, when did we get married etc. She commented on the pictures from our overseas trip that they were very nice. She gave my wife a token number and was asked to wait in the waiting area.
She was not called in for the interview until around 11.30 so it was kind of a long wait. She was interviewed by a woman of East Asian decent. She was very polite and friendly. The whole interview lasted 10-15 minutes. The first thing was to take the oath in the DS-230 part 2 and sign it.
Here is a list of interview questions that we could remember.
1) How did you two meet?
2) Who initiated the contact?
3) When did you first meet?
4) Did you have a formal engagement?
5) When was the wedding?
6) When did he leave after the wedding? I was in between jobs after the wedding. So she was curious as to how I was able to spend two months after the wedding.
7) Did you have a honeymoon? Wife answered Goa and Thailand at a later date. Consular commented Thailand was beautiful and it was nice you guys traveled to other countries.
8) How many times have your husband visited since wedding.
9) When was the last time he visited?
10) What does you husband do?
11) How did he immigrate to US?
12) Then she looked at our pics. Asked her to identify my parents and her parents.
13) Do you have any of your family in US? (Her sister is in US)
14) Asked her what visa status she was on.
15) Have you worked in India?
16) My wife is doctor so she asked about her plans on taking the licensing exams. She said my wife will make a good doctor :-)
It was all basic questions. They did not ask for any additional proof of relationship or a single document that we carried. The consular never asked about the 2009 tax returns. She was taking down notes all the time while my wife was answering especially all the date related questions. She was very polite and made my wife feel very comfortable. She said her visa is approved and wished her a happy married life.
Wife was out of the consulate by around 11.45PM.
The consular speaks through a mike from behind a glass window so everyone in the waiting area could here all the interview questions which I thought was very odd. She said there were 3 AP's issued that day while she was waiting. Mostly for AOS and birth certificate related issues.
Wife was not able to pick up the passport from VFS the same day so it will be mailed to her. All in all I think except for the long wait time it was pretty straightforward and an easy interview.
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