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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5933

Bulgaria Review on April 17, 2010:

Tania and Tony

Review Topic: K1 Visa

April 12, 2010
My interview was for 2 p.m. At 1.15 I was there.They not give me permission to stay on embassy land. Need to wait on the other sidewalk or in a cafe. When it came time to enter, security took my phone and checked my bag. After going through security I went into reception area. I had too wait for 20 min before a Bulgarian Immigration Officer woman asked me for my documents behind number 6 glass walls. Starting at 2:20 pm thay asked me many question about my divorce and Tony`s divorce, for my daughter, for apartment and many other questions... how we met?, where we stayed and went while he was here?, what is his job?, have I been in the States before and where?, have I visited any other countries recently?, etc... At 3:00 pm thay finished with interview and told me to wait in this room. At 3:15 pm an American Immigration woman called my name and told me to go too number 3 glass. She said hello and started to take my finger prints. She spoke Bulgarian but I told her I wanted to speak english. We where only together for 5 min and she was very nice and respectful. She told me that after 3 days I should recieve my passport with visa by DHL. She asked if I hade any question and I said YES. Where is my flag? She told me: Ooo we don`t have, we finish... And I asked: How do I prove now??? She said: Wait... and gave me American and Bulgarian flag together. When she gave me flags she said CONGRATULATIONS !!!
I guess I was lucky. I hope it will be for the others who follow me.
Good luck everyone !!!

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