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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5918

London, United Kingdom Review on April 14, 2010:

Luke and Amber

Review Topic: K1 Visa

My appointment was scehduled for 9:00am. I arrived approx 7:30 just as the embassy was opening. I took my number and sat down. I probably only waited for 20 minutes before my number was called up. Once at the desk I had to hand over a few items, I-134 and letter from my fiances work and her previous tax returns, copies of the forms i submitted with the Iv-15 and two more american sized passport photos, then I was told to go to the cash desk and pay $131. (It was extremely difficult to hear her through 3 inch glass but we eventually got by) Once that was taken I went back to my 3 inch glass lady and she gave me a nice pink slip... I then waited about 20 more mintues was called up and asked 3 questions about my finace and I and then the visa was approved. I was out by 9:00. Excellent experience and everyone was so friendly.

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