London, United Kingdom | Review on April 7, 2010: | Rito

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My fiance arrived at the embassy at 8:30am ahead of his 9:00am appointment. At the doors, someone asked to see his appointment letter (Packet 4) and passport. He was then sent through a metal detector, where he was asked to remove everything from his pocket but leave his jacket on. There was a short queue (about three minutes) to get through the metal detector.
Once he was through the metal detector, my fiance showed his appointment letter to the reception desk. He was given a ticket with a barcode and a number on it, and then waited two hours and forty five minutes for his number to be called.
Once his number was called, he went to the first desk. He was asked for a series of documents - basically the same list as on the IV-15 (birth certificate, police certificate, etc). My fiance handed them an original and a photocopy for each item and was handed the original back.
He was then given a pink courier form to pay for visa shipping. THE COURIER COMPANY DOES NOT ACCEPT CASH, only credit cards, contrary to what the iv-019 says at the time of writing. The courier company mentioned that it normally only takes a day for them to get the visa to you after the embassy gives it to them. The courier company does not care who pays their fee for your visa so long as they can come to the desk with a credit card. My fiance didn't have a credit card with him, but he gave another visa applicant cash and that applicant paid the courier fee for my fiance.
He paid £86 for the visa in cash and got two receipts - one for him, and one to return to the lady in the first window. He was then told to wait for his number to appear on a screen, which took only a few minutes.
The interviewer was a friendly blond woman. She asked for his Affidavit of Support and the petitioner's tax transcripts. After having my fiance swear with his right hand raised that he would tell the truth, she asked three questions:
1. How did you meet your fianceé?
2. When did you propose to your fianceé?
3. How often do you see each other?
For each questions, my fiance provided more detail than was asked. The woman seemed happy with his answers.
The woman then said that everything seemed fine, except our medical had not arrived from Knightsbridge. She asked if my fiance would need to take another medical appointment somewhere; he said he didn't know. The woman offered to give my fiance his passport back so that he could send it in when the medical arrived, but he decided to leave it at the embassy. She said that if the medical records came within a couple days, he would probably get his visa in two weeks.
My fiance left the embassy at 11:45am.
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