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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5844

Montreal, Canada Review on March 27, 2010:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hey everyone! Currently at the Eaton Mall, leeching their internet. :D

My mother inlaw and I woke up about 5am. We stayed at the Delta Montreal, which was only a block or so from the Medisys Medical Clinic. At 6:45am, my MIL headed off the consulate while I headed to the Medisys building. I picked up my results without any problems, which was a big relief. They proceeded then to tell me that if there were any problems, they would have given me a call right away. (I didn't write a medical review since mine LITTERALLY mirrored La Souris's review. However, I forgot to mention that they are not testing for HIV anymore, but Syphilis)

So after picking up my results, I headed to the consulate. There were already 3 groups of people waiting. I met jmd77 and her fiance, another couple going for an IR-1 visa, and of course my MIL. They were all very friendly, and time flew by pretty quickly seeing as everyone was talking with everyone. Around 7am-7:15am is when the line really started to form. At about 7:30am, a fellow went to the doors to unlock them. They went kind of crazy if you ask me, double locks and the inside doors were chained shut. It was kind of crazy.

What I really loved about the group of filers outside with me, is that we actually all went into the consulate in the order we arrived. jmd77 and her fiance went in first, followed with myself and my MIL. We were brought into the next room and put through security, and were asked to take off our coats, belts, anything out of our pockets, etc. I litterally followed his order and put about $60 in the tray. He was like, ''it's okay.'' (So note to future people, if you're carrying JUST cash, there is no need to take it out of your pockets.) Once we were all done, we were given the beloved letter B!

Afterwards, we were told to go down a flight of stairs and wait in the next room and that somebody would be down soon to bring us up. We waited for maybe 5 minutes max, because we were sent up. Then we got to the 19th floor. The view was spectacular! It was just, breathtaking! If only we were allowed our camera up there. The letter crowd were separated from everybody else and then the wait began again.

Letter A was called and then me..but it was kind of werid because they said my full name over the intercom, not my letter. I was like, ''huh?'' I was called to window 9, where I was greeted by this man. He was probably in his 50's and he was very friendly. He asked for my medical results, Xpresspost envelope. That was all, however I offered him my updated DS-230 form and my husbands bank statements and paystubs. Both of which he took, he made a comment on how prepared I was. :D My MIL came with me, and he asked about how we got along. I said, FANTASTIC. :] He asked several other questions about food, then got to the point. He asked me how long I'd been married for, when my husband joined the service, how long I've visited in the US, if I ever had any problems crossing.

After this, we were told to go back to the sitting room and we'd be called back a few moments later. It only took about 5-10 minutes before we were called again. The finger printing device didn't really like me, I screwed it up like 4 times. LOL but eventually we got it! Then we were sent back to the waiting room..then my nerves really started to go. I was SCARED.

Then again my name was called, not my number and I was told to go to booth 8. I saw the door and went, ''oh em gee.'' I opened it, and inside sat an older male. I asked if my mother in law could come in with me, and he let her in. We talked casually for a bit, and he asked me if I were excited to be going to the USA. I said, I just want to be with my husband! Then he asked us to raise our right hands and swear to an oath. I said yes, obviously. He asked me a few questions, and spoke to my MIL the most. Haha. I was asked how we met, when we met in person, when he joined the service, what he did in the army, and what I did. He was very pleasant. After all the questions, he said, based on the information you have provided...you are APPROVED. My instant reaction was OMGOMGOMG. THANK YOU THANK YOU. <3 I was so happy. He gave me the letter and explained to me, about how to move my things, and how long I'd have to wait for my VISA. He said it'd be in the mail on Monday and to expect it by the end of that week, or early next.

I left with a GIANT smile on my face. Overall, it was a very pleasant experience. I was very surprised and very happy. ^_^
Thank you Montreal for granting my wish, and for VJ and all my VJ buddies. I couldn't have done this without YOU.

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