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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5836

Montreal, Canada Review on March 25, 2010:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Arrived at the consulate at about 7:10. There were already about 8 people there and no real clear line up. By 7:30, there were probably around 20 plus and people were trying to cut ahead of those who were waiting. I think a reason for this is that everyone gets an appointment letter saying they have an appointment at 8 and then get stressed about being late when they see all the people. So be prepared for people who eagerly want to get ahead of you. One hint is that when they open the doors, they ask that everyone line up single file to the left. So if people who are there early let others know, there can be a clear line up and maybe less confusion when the doors open. About 8 people were in front of me in line when I went in.

Once in, you go through the security. No electronics, no problems. Have your passport and appointment letter ready. I was told to go downstairs and then go to counter 14B when upstairs.

Then I waited in a waiting room downstairs. Once this filled a bit, people were guided on an elevator. Another hint, the elevator door on the opposite side will open on the consulate floor. Once it opens curve around to the left to the counter. The line up fills quickly, again people rushing in line. In this line I got a number and a sheet of directions after showing my passport and appointment letter. Then I waited in the next waiting room.

While sitting I read the directions and organized the documents they asked for. If I remember correctly it was passport, two photos, affidavit, police records, medical report, express post envelope. I think that\'s it. Then my number was called on a screen and I was directed to a numbered counter. There I was asked in no certain order relative to the direction sheet for the listed documents and also additional docs such as my birth cert + copy, DS-160, letter of intent from the petitioner, and passport copy. They had all of my other docs from my package 3 and I had to briefly update my address on one of them, can\'t remember which one, it was easy though, he just whited a section out and I refilled it in. Then I was asked to go and pay at counter 14A and then go back to the waiting room and wait for my name to be called. He was very friendly, patient and funny. I really found that having my docs in an accordian type file holder with individually labelled folders really helpful and easy to find docs quickly since i wasn\'t sure which ones would be asked for.

Once I payed, I waited and when my name was called again, I took my receipt and then my finger prints were taken. Again, I was told to wait in the waiting room. A while later I was asked to come in to an interview office. There the interviewer reviewed my docs and asked questions at the same time after I took an oath. He was also making light conversation and cracking jokes, making things less stressful. After finalizing things, he announced that I was approved and gave me information for entering the US. He then wanted to confirm with me that the address I had on the express envelope was where I wanted it to be sent. My address is Nova scotia, but I don\'t want to go home before entering the states so I wanted to know if I could pick up my visa. He said it\'s not permitted but that although he couldn\'t guarentee anything, he suspected since it ws thursday that the visa would be sent out by friday and that it should arrive in NS in a couple of days. It\'s more likely to be less if you send the visa to the region (Que/Ont) so I changed the address to a friend\'s in Ottawa where I can crash for a bit and I\'m hoping for the best. Done!

Over all experience was a 4: All of the people I interacted with right from security to the interview were polite and friendly and not interested in making you feel any more stress. The only thing I didn\'t like was the way we are lined up. People are anxious and so there are rushes to the lines. If there were clearer line up guidelines it might have been better, like a line-up indication outside the consulate. The waiting times were reasonable considering the amount of people being served; the longest wait was for my first meeting to hand over the documents. I think I waited an hour. After that the waiting times were about 10-20 mins between different parts of the process. So, I arrived at 7:10 and was finished by 10:45. Voila, enough time for a montreal brunch!

Update: Although the interviewer was confident (yet acknowledging that he wasn't 100% certain) that the visa would be sent out on Friday or Monday, the package didn't register in Canada Post tracking until Wednesday. On wednesday the online tracking device reported that "item was accepted at 9:30am". At 8:30 Thursday morning, the track report was that my package was out for delivery. It was delivered on Thursday at 12:30. Thank god I beat the 4 day easter holiday! phew!

(updated on April 1, 2010)

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