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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5829

Montreal, Canada Review on March 23, 2010:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

We got there at around 6:45 this morning and Mathew decided to let me out so he could go park and I could go ahead and get in line. Well that would have worked out, except for the fact that he dropped me off ON THE WRONG STREET!!! There`s 2 canada tax buildings right next to each other and he dropped me off at the wrong one so I had to walk in the freezing cold and rain to the right one.

By the time we actually got there we were still the first in line, but I realized that I had my iPhone still so of course I had to make Mathew take it back to the car(good thing because there`s some parking on that same street. We paid $15 for the whole day). Then other people started to show up. It was seriously so cold that we were all huddled underneath the doorway, trying to stay dry and get protection from the wind. I started to get aggrivated though because it was like there wasn`t really a line since we were all huddled together, which would have made our efforts to get there early useless. Lucky for me, an hour later when they opened the doors(around 7:30!) we were standing on the left side(Remember this Maggie!!!) and that`s the side they want you to go in on so after we were shooed away like pests, Mathew and I were still the first ones in and got the A. The nice couple that came right after us squeezed in and got B, so I was happy for them.

Security wasn`t too bad, we just put our stuff in boxes, and walked through the metal detector. The guard told us to walk down the stairs and sit in the waiting room and someone would be there in a second to get us. About 2 minutes later the guard come to get us and we rode the elevator to the floor where everything goes down and we waited until we were called. The lady at Window 11 ways super nice! She even made a copy of his birth certificate, which we didn`t have. We only brought the originals. She gave us some kind of slip and told us to go pay and then wait some more. By the time we paid she was calling us back to window 11 to take his fingerprints, and then she told us to go back and wait and we`d be called to room 7 or 8 to do our interveiw.

The waiting felt like hours. We were both so nervous and just watched the room keep getting full while we were holding hands. In all actuality I think it must have been about 10 minutes before we got called back to the room but it felt like an hour. When we were called back we took deep breaths and walked in the room. We were instructed to put our things on the chair and raise our hands to swear that everything was true, and we did.

The CO only asked us like 6 questions. He never looked at our evidence, never looked at the love book(damn!), never even looked through the forms really(I assume they do this before hand and already know whether you are approved or denied). He asked Mathew what he did for a living(Aerospace Engineer), asked him how we met(internet), asked him who proposed and how(him at the lake), asked when our wedding date was(June 26th), asked why he would leave Canada when he had such a good job(DUH!), and then asked me what I did in the US(AT&T). After that he took Mathew`s thumb print again, and then told us "Based on the information you have provided today I can go ahead and tell you that your visa has been approved. Congrats to you both and Welcome to the United States"!!!

After that pretty much everything is a blur. We were out by 8:50. Then it was breakfast time at Cora`s and home for a nap!!!!

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