Chennai, India | Review on March 22, 2010: | SMVKG

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
The interview went well and I was approved my visa javascript:emoticon(' ').
I had my interview at 9 a.m, I went at 8:30 the watchman told to wait in a queue that was rather long. So, I decided to stay in the car for lil while and went in at 8:45 he told me to wait again and finally I was allowed to the window (where you get your appointment stamped) at 9. Then a security check. Don't take any cosmetics (including comb, chap stick....), electronics, cd's...nothing but the documents. I had to make trips to and fro because I had them. They finally let me in there was another security check and my bags were checked for the above mentioned items. My bag went through a scanner and I was allowed into the next room where a lady pointed to another building.
Finally, I was in the lobby. I was called to a window, there was an Indian guy. While collecting my documents(I didn't submit my documents at a vfs office prior to my interview because Chennai consulate allows you to bring them in on the same day. Please inquire about your consulate!), he asked me the following questions. Not necessarily in the same order
1. How did you meet your fiance
2. What does he do and where does he live
3. How did you meet him
4. Who proposed
5. Did you ever go abroad
6. Did you know him while you were in the US (I was in the US for 2007-2009 hence the question)
7. Do you have any siblings. Where do they live
8. Does your fiancee have any siblings. Are they all us citizens too and where do they live
9. show me the photographs. I took an album that didn't fit in the space provided for him to pull it to the other side so he told me to flip the pages.
10. collected the draft, make sure you check the amount on the website. It's not dollar exchange rate for that day. I took a draft for 6152 rupees only. They told me to get another draft for the difference amount. Please check the website, it was not too bad because there was an Indian bank close by but why take the pain and make the already long interview even longer.
11. Did you a formal engagement. Did his family attend it.
12. What did you do in the US. What was your major and course of your study
13. How many times did your fiancee visit you
14. Is it going to be an arranged marriage
I went in with the right amount draft, had to go through the security check again. After submitting the draft (10:30), they gave me a token number and told me to wait until they called my number. I waited and waited and finally at 12:30 or so a white guy calls me. He asks me the following question not in any specific order
1. How did you meet him. Did you meet other people online (I met my fiance online so the question)
2. So, you went to university of Maryland! What did you study there and on what visa were you. What have you been doing in India since you came back
3. Do you have photos of you two other than the engagement ceremony
4. How long did your fiance stay and what did you guys do
5. what does he do
6. Do you have any siblings, does your fiance have siblings and where do they live
7. he asked me some questions from the photos (about the ceremony to be more specific)
8. Are your parents okay about having a wedding in the states
9. Do your parents have visitors visa
He typed something in the computer and said those magical words. Every thing seems fine, you will have your passport within a weeks time.javascript:emoticon(' ')
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