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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5739

Korea Review on February 28, 2010:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

My Fiance had her interview in Seoul on Friday.

Prior to her interview, I prepared all the documents that we could prior to her returning to Korea to get the rest of the paperwork/translations in order. She did a wonderful job and got everything that she needed in only two days! Anyway, as the interview approaches, I'm getting nervous. "Did I prepare everything that she needed and did I do it correctly? Does she have everything that she needs?"

She called me on the way to the interview and then she said she would call once she got inside. She never called back, so I'm wondering what is going on. It wasn't until about an hour later that I thought, "Ahh, they probably took her phone at the door." Anyway, I'm on pins and needles for about two hours when she finally calls and I can tell that her voice is happy and she told me that the Visa was approved!

I can't tell you how happy I was. After 9 months of paperwork, waiting, more paperwork, waiting, no useful information from "customer service" and more waiting we are finally done with this step. I will say that once the paperwork was approved by homeland security, the process was very easy and answers to questions was easier.

So, the interview went something like this. She went to the proper location and went to a window when someone reviewed all of her paperwork. There were a few things that she didn't need even though they said they were required...oh well, better too much than to be missing something. So, the guy told her to go have a seat. She waited for approximately 45 minutes before being called up again. This was the interview portion:

So, the questions that she was asked (English):

1. Hello, how are you...

2. Why do you want to marry him?

3. Have you met his family?

4. When will you go to the U.S.?

5. Do you like Valdosta (the town where we live)?

6. Has he met your parents? Do they like him?

That was basically it. I guess when asked, "Why do you want to marry him?" She paused and answered, "Because he is so awesome!" This made him laugh and he asked where she learned English. She told him middle school and high school, but she caught on to the word "awesome" from the show How I met your Mother. We have all of the bootlegs from Korea and we love to watch that show.

After the interview questions, he said, "I wish I could give you the Visa today because I know you've earned it, but you have to wait for the courier service to deliver it." We knew that anyway, so no big deal.

I understand that the interviewer was very nice and not at all intimidating. His questions seemed very matter of fact, but all the answers to the questions were in the paperwork, so I bet he was trying to ensure the relationship was legitimate.

Well, that is about it. If anyone as any questions let me know. A very pleasant and successful experience.

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