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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5635

Montreal, Canada Review on February 1, 2010:



Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing

ok here is my review of the interview that took place feb 1, 2010. I'll be as thorough as possible and very exact LOL

i don't wear a watch well i forgot it so most times are estimates (sorry LOL)

i know we got to the consulate at around 7 am and there were already 3 other couples already waiting, i know the earliest 2 couples where there 20 minutes before my wife and i arrived. COLD COLD COLD i think by the time we were let in we were all complaining that we couldn't feel out toes LOL. I think the doors opened maybe around 7:45am. Went through security, showed our passports and interview letters, also was given a ticket for my keys as the remote was an electronic and thats a no no in the consulate and were given our letters (D - 4th in line) and told to go down the stairs and wait outside the elevator (passport booth here if pictures forgotten or not taken 4 poses for 4$) for a guard to take us up to floor 19. In the elevator the guard asks us for our interview letters and directs us to sit in an area and wait to be paged to windows 9-12. At this time it was a little after 8 before the first couple was called then in order from there. We were called at around 8:30 to window 11. Once there we handed over everything we had in the order she wanted it, birth certificate, marriage certificate and you know the rest, everything was handed over except the proof of domicile that comes later, there she asked my wife (US citizen) when she was moving back, thats the only question she asked. Once she gets all of this she gives us a paper and tells us to go pay the 400.00 at the cashier and wait to be called back to the window. Once paid and called back i handed over the receipt and she took my finger prints, told us to go sit back down and wait to be called into rooms 6-8 the interview rooms. From here the time line gets mixed i think it was 9:15 or 9:20am we get called after the other couples were. Walk in to the room say hello to the CO hang up our jackets and we are off. He began by returning the originals i had given the first lady at window 11. Then begins the questioning
Q-how we met
Q-what website
A-yahoo chat
Q-when we met face to face
A-april 8, 2000
Q-who proposed to who
A-i proposed to my wife
Q-how did i propose
A-i stumbled here because i didn't know how specific to get so i began by saying it was late at night because we got stuck watching a stupid movie and i fell asleep LOL so i proposed to her in my pajamas in her bedroom, he cracked a smile and a chuckle since both my wife and i got a bit embarrassed about our story. LOL
Q- what day
A- ummm, ummm its sketchy since it was after midnight so it was officially time wise it was may 18, the year was 2001 but my wife and i weren't sure since we were bouncing back and forth the year i would say 2001 she would say 2002 again he smiled and i said i dunno it was a while ago LOL
Q- when did you get married
A-may 15, 2004
Q- what do i do for a living, are you a pharmacists
A- no i'm a pharmacy technician

that was it for the together questions the rest were all for my wife.
Q- where will you be living
A- mount vernon ohio
Q- where in mount vernon
A- with my aunt and uncle we will be renting
Q- do you have a lease agreement
A- yes here you go, he kept it after asking us if it was ok.
Q- grabbing her uncles AOS, what does your uncle do
A- wife answers even though it clearly states in AOS, occupation
Q- when will you be moving back.
A- wife answered perfectly "i will be moving back Feb 21, 2009 on a one way plane ticket one day before my PR card expires on the 22nd"
Q- do you have your ticket
A- we hand over a copy of her itinerary and a copy of her PR card showing the expiry date.
Q- where do you work here in canada
A- again perfect answer " i work for rogers but i have resigned and my last day of work will be the 13th"
Q- do you have a letter from your employer
A- handed over the letter Rogers wrote my wife confirming her last day of work was the 13th and that she had indeed resigned
Q-Looks to me and asks when i will be moving back
A- i started laughing and said i don't know since i can't quit yet because i don't know what will happen today, CO smiles and types something into computer.

From here there is a brief silence and he begins by saying you will get your visa in about 2 weeks, holds up a paper outlining what comes next and says WELCOME TO AMERICA HUGE SIGH FROM THE BOTH OF US followed by really? LOL then he begins to tell me about whats will be in my passport and once i cross thats it i've landed and everything begins to be processed. He did tell me that i can start working just with the visa that is in the passport but its up to the employer to actually hire me based on that or not.

Overall From start to finish the process was very stressful at times and very easy at others. The final stretch for the interview was the worst because of making sure we had everything and also hoping we could prove domicile since that seemed like a stumbling block for others recently. We both went into the interview expecting to be denied due to domicile but were very happy to walk out of the consulate finished and ready to move on. Proving domicile seemed to be the easiest thing and i think my wife answered her key questions very well, we had bank statements and letters of attempts to get a home loan and credit card and also a letter from Kia of compliance for our car to be imported into the US and that was never brought out of our little folder as we didn't need to show it. So this part of our journey is over and its time for the next phase to begin a big huge thank you to this site and everyone who contributes to questions asked and to those that ask the same questions that i had as it made finding answers easier LOL.

Thank You visajourney.com

Pablo & Debbie

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