London, United Kingdom | Review on December 10, 2009: | Erynn

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
That was fantastic - Terrifying - but fantastic. I arrived at the embassy at about 7:15; no electronics, so I didn't have a watch. A nice french lady had one and told me the time about ten minutes later. Of course nothing happens until around 8... again I have no idea. The people checking for electronics are nice and efficient, and so were security. I had my wedding ring for my fiance with me and the security guards 'aww'ed it.
Waiting was nerve wrecking - there's an awful lot of N visas who went before any I visa was called, including people who arrived later. I figure there's some kind of training needed for the I visas. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say I waited 1/2 an hour to 3/4 of an hour. I was #4 for the I visas. There was no-one at the counter when I got there and I had to wait for a lady to arrive, but when she did she was very smooth and professional. That was over in about 10 minutes. Possibly longer. Time drags when you're panicking. She took my both certificate, passport, police check, copies, etc... as well as getting me to sign the unsigned forms, taking the affidavit of support documents, and finger prints.
Then I was sent away to have a sit-down and wait - this is the worst bit.
The next bit was the most terrifying. I was sent to sit down and spent the next probably 40 minutes waiting to find out if I had enough supporting documentation or if someone had made a mistake.
Then I was called in for the final interview.
The first thing they do is check your finger prints - and of course, when asked to use my right hand I used my left... which in my defense was on my left side... and then the really, really nice gentleman swore me in. He really was a sweetheart. Not many questions; pretty much 'How long have you been engaged' and 'how long have you known each-other'. After that, he told me all the paper work was great and asked 'Are you ready to leave?' at which point I realised I had made it through. That easy. I'm shaking like a leaf but it was fantastic. He explained about the point of entry, asked about my leaving date, and sent me to pay the courier. He also said 'Welcome to America' when I thanked him profusely. As I said, very sweet.
I was out of the embassy and phoning my sweetheart with the news exactly an hour and 45 minutes from when my appointment was due. And apparently, they're very busy at the moment.
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