New Delhi, India | Review on December 9, 2009: | Ak+Tk

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Mani and I both reached Delhi Embassy around 6:15am and our interview was at 9:30, we sat in the car until 9:00am and got into the line to enter the Embassy. After we got in we got our number J14 and went to window 25 to first check in and the lady at the window got our 3 packets together which we sent through the VFS, the lady came back with a huge smile on her face and when she was checking all our papers she said "You guys did a great job" we were both smiling and she was laughing too. the only question she asked us was if Mani he ever traveled outside India.
We turned in over 300 photos and over 4,000 pages of evidence along with Affidavits of support from most of our family. Mani and i still took along with us an additional 2 photos albums our Formal Engagement one and other evidences.
Next we went to the line to pay our fee which is 6,288rs and then we waited until 12:30 till we were first called up to have our interview with the CO officer, we both walked up to the counter and he was i, would say about 35, shorter. After we walked up to the window Mani introduced me This is my fiancée Tasha and the Co was smiling and said :haha i kind of figured that out" then he did the oath and manis finger prints had Mani sign the DS-156k. The whole interview was basically done by me the CO asked me the Petitioner all the questions. He asked Mani a few questions. He then asked to see the photos which we had in our big engagement album and i said we also submitted all those photos too he said " i am too busy to go through all of those" he asked which our favorite pictures are & we replied all.
Questions he asked me (petitioner)
How did you meet?
DO you speak Punjabi?
Where did you meet?
Will you convert to Hinduism?
What kind of work are you doing?
Were your parents at the engagement?
what kind of engagement did you have?how many ppl?
If Mani gets married in US then his family may not come to the wedding in US.
Questions directed to Mani (beneficiary?
What are you doing these days school or work?
where we meet n how we meet?
after we told him our story( we meet at college while i was doing my pre-med) Mani was doing Bhangra at the college the CO said "Oh you fell in love with Mani's Bhangra dancing"
What is your religion? Hindu answer..CO will you convert to Christian?
What do your parents think about Tasha?
He was very nice guy and was basically joking and laughing around with mani and i, we were relaxed and after he said ok I APPROVED YOUR VISA" you will receive it in 5-10 days, we thanked him and left the embassy.
WE are both very happy we will be home for Manis first xmas in USA
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