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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5360

Review on December 6, 2009:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Had my K1 interview on fri dec 4th.

I was scheduled for 9am, but being a bit too punctual turned up at bond street station at 7.30(!) so decided to spend a bit of time in starbucks with a strong coffee and breakfast. Around 8 I wondered around the corner and headed to Gould's pharmacy (on north audley street, just before the embassy, on the same side). There, I dropped of my phone (3 pounds per item)which the guy put in a sealed envelope in front of me, asked me to sign a form with my contact number, told me I was the only one allowed to come pick up my belongings and then gave me a raffle ticket which I was to reproduce on my return.

I then walked up the road and in minutes I was in front of the embassy. By this time it was just a little after 8 and there was no queue. The lady at the visa desk asked to see my interview letter then confirmed I wasnt carrying any mobile phone/ipod/headphones/usb stick etc. I was then asked to walk on a bit further where I was again asked to reproduce my interview letter as well as my passport. After I was directed to the security booth and passed through just as you would at an airport. Once out on the other side you walk a short distance around the embassy to then arrive at the entrance.

Once inside you are given a ticket with a number at the reception desk and told to wait inside until your number is called. The waiting area consists of chairs on either side facing back to back monitors. There are numbered counters just as you may see at the post office or bank with small partitions inbetween. The waiting is somewhat of an understatement so be prepared. I had some snacks on me and had also brought a book, magazine and newspaper. Unfortunately none of these helped as I became just a ‘little’ distracted by the constant blaring of numbers being called out on the voiceover, so I just decided to put all my reading material away and stare at the screen instead. Oh another thing, I found it quite cold inside even though I had my coat on, and it only warmed up very slightly as more people came in, so you may want to take some extra layers depending on how tolerant you are of this weather. 1hr 15mins later my number was called out and I went to a counter where the guy just seemed expressionless for the whole time I was dealing with him. After taking my passport and interview letter I had to do the fingerprints. He took my birth cert and copy, police cert and copy, 2 passport photos, I-134, tax return, but handed me back my fiancé’s employment letter (?). He then instructed me to go pay the fees at another counter then return. I payed $131 in cash, and handed this receipt over to him. In return he gave me a pink courier form and my xray and asked me to take a seat again.

So again I waited, about an hour this time I think, then proceeded for my ‘interview’ where I had very cheerful American lady. She rechecked my fingerprints, asked me to sign a form and take an oath, after which asked me how I met my fiancé, when, where, what do my parents think about it, occupation, plans for working once I get there, have I been there, have I done the sightseeing spots at those places, when I was planning on having the wedding and I think that was about it. Just a coupla mins! I only volunteered more information when necessary e.g. when she asked me what my parents thought of it I slipped in that we’d had a trip over the states so my parents could meet my fiancé and his parents could meet me and the parents could meet each other, she replied, ‘oh wow, the whole family seems is involved’ and then moved onto the next question. At the end she told me my passport would be returned to me within 3-5 working days and not to open the brown encelope that comes with it as I need to present it at the airport along with my xray on my way to the states. I then went and paid the courier and walked out of the embassy with a big smile on my face!

I wasn’t asked for any proof of relationship – I had taken photos, emails, phone bills etc but was of no use. I think I spent just a little over 3hrs in there. The whole process seems daunting, but if you have all the correct documents then all that is left is the questions, which should be the really easy part as all you have to do is just talk about the person you’re gonna marry!

Good luck to everyone…

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