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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5279

Vancouver, Canada Review on November 21, 2009:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

After I posted my medical review, I thought it would only be appropriate to share my experiences with you all about how it went at the US Consulate. I was able to communicate with them via e-mail several times, and they were always able to get back to me the next day. When it came to scheduling my interview, I e-mailed them to let them know that I wanted to schedule my medical the day before my interview, and make sure that it would all be done in the same week so I wouldn't have to go back and forth between Winnipeg and Vancouver. The next day after I had sent the e-mail, I received a reply, getting the date that I wanted as long as I faxed my checklist.

Anyways, to my interview! I left my hotel at about 12:30ish as my interview was at 1:00pm. I headed over to the Consulate in a taxi, and got there at about 12:40ish or so. To get into the Consulate, you have to go through one door, where there is a security guard standing there. Because I was a little bit early and because the guards weren't back from their break yet, I was told to come back after a few minutes. To the right of the consulate is a Starbucks, so I just waited in there for a little bit until I had to come back. When it was about 12:50 or so, I went to the door that lead into the Consulate again, where there were three security guards. The first guard opened the door for me, the second searched through all my folders and told me to remove my jacket, along with my watch and belt, and then hold onto my jacket while I went through the metal detector. After that, they gave me back my things and I headed up a flight of stairs, and walked through a door. I went to the right, and there was someone waiting there. She asked me where I was going, and I told her to the 20th floor, for my K1 Visa. She pressed the button and swiped a card, and then I was on my way to the 20th floor. When I stepped off the elevator, there's another set of security to go through. Lucky for me, the guys who were doing the security were super funny and sweet, and kept me laughing. When I was done getting everything together after going through security, they asked me what I was there for (K1 Visa) and then gave me a piece of paper. On it was my name, and they wrote down a number (I was 4... funny, because I was 4th in line at my medical, too!) After that, they opened the door for me, and then told me to go to the left and to window B, which was in the middle. I placed my paper there, and then headed into the waiting area -- which was PACKED with people. I sat beside the girl I met at the medical who was also from Winnipeg (definitely thankful that she was there!), and the other people who were waiting there.

They were having a total computer glitch, so while I was waiting for them to call my name, I was totally ALL NERVES. The pain of waiting was definitely excruciating, and when they finally called my name (which was at 2:30pm -- an hour and a half was spent waiting for three other people to go ahead of me!), I was ready! I was greeted by a lovely older lady who gave me a paper that listed everything she wanted in that specific order. I gave her my passport, passport photos, deposit slips from Scotiabank birth & police certificates, 156 (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE TWO COPIES!), 156K, Affidavit of Support --- and I think that's about it. After that, she told me to sit down... for another hour.

After waiting and waiting (and more waiting), I was finally called up to another window -- this time on the right. I was greeted by this sweet, older asian lady who was SO FRIENDLY, it was amazing. She told me that she would be taking my fingerprints, and to read the sign above the fingerprint sign. After that was all done, I sat down again for about another 15 minutes, and then I was called up... again, by the sweet, older asian lady. She told me that everything was fine, and that my criminal checks went by quickly. She then asked me:
- how I met my fiance
- when did he propose
- what does he do for a living
- do i plan on working in the us (yes, after the US Government allows me to)
- bonafide evidence of our relationship (tons of photos!)

After that, she smiled, and then said the words I had been waiting for since I stepped foot in Vancouver -- APPROVED! She was so happy to tell me that all K1 Visas that day were approved (there were four of us there), and then told me to go to the B window that I went to earlier where the lady would tell me how to get my visa, etc! I happily went over there, and she said that because I'm from Winnipeg, that she would have to mail my visa over to me because it wouldn't be finished until Monday/Tuesday. I didn't have an envelope, so she gave me a paper that had an explanation on where to get an envelope -- and because it was close to 4, I LITERALLY ran all the way to the post office which was across the street past the parkade, down a flight of steps, bought my prepaid envelope ($25), ran back to the Consulate (where the same security welcomed me --- because of my HUGE SMILE), and then back to the lady where she told me what would be happening. I'll be getting my K1 Visa shipped to me via Express Canada Post, and I can't wait!

All in all, it was a good, nerve-wracking, stressful experience -- but I have to say, it was worth it all to be approved! Thanks so much to everyone on here who's helped me on my journey! Now onto heading into the States, and getting married!

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