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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5239

Vancouver, Canada Review on November 16, 2009:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

This was my experience.

Fiancee and I arrived in Vancouver on Weds morning at 7 am in Vancouver. We left the airport and took the Sky-Train for 7 dollars all the way to our Hotel. We stayed in the Day Inn off West Pender Street. Hotel Cost us 128 dollars a night. It is an old hotel, nothing fancy. One bed, tv, bathroom, a desk. Its two blocks from the American Embassy and about a mile from the medical.

Thursday morning at 4:00 Fiancee and I wake up get ready to go to the medical. We left our hotel and walked about a mile to Medical Address. It looks kind of shady right across the street from St. Paul's Hospital. There is a gate and you wait there until the lady that runs the clinic arrives and opens it for you. We were the first ones in line and the lady at the medical asks everyone to stay in order in which you arrive. You need to get all your documents in order and hand them to the lady at the front desk. She then will tell you to go get your blood tested. Takes two minutes. After that you go and sit back down for about 20 minutes and they call you in for an X-ray, which you don't even need for the embassy. Than you get called into the office with the doctor he asks you to strip down and wear a sheet. He checks your ears, nose, and glands on your throat. Very simple nothing that is embarrassing or violating. He tells you to get dressed and you meet the desk lady she takes your height, weight, and checks your vision. She then tells you to come back at two.

Embassy Info- We went to the embassy at 12:30 for our 1:00 clock appointment. Security asked us to go away until 12:45. We went to starbucks right around the corner and came back. You enter the little side door and they ask for appointment letter. They look through all your papers and tell you take everything our of your pockets. (similar to the airport) You then continue up the stairs where you will meet a lady who will send you up to the 20th floor via elevator. You exit the elevator and there is another security search so don't put your belt on or anything like that just hold it. He will search you and than direct you the waiting room. You sit in the waiting room for like 20 minutes they call you up and ask for your main papers in a certain order. She tells you to sit down and wait.... You wait and get your fingerprints done.... than sit back down.... Wait about an hour and they call you up for your interview. She asked 3 questions.

1) How did we meet
2) How often we visited each other
3) What the petitioner did for a living.

She then told us we were approved as long as we passed our medical. We ran back to the medical office and got our stuff and brought it back and gave it to the lady that you originally talk to at the waiting room. (Yes, you have to go back through security and all that jazz.) She told us our Visa would be ready in two days. We were leaving that day so we gave her the Largest Canada Post Express Envelope so we could get it in the mail. Be sure to get the largest one. They put a whole manilla envelope of papers plus your passport in there so you need the 12.00 one its a 12x13 one if i am not mistaken.

Overall the process was extremely easy. Just make sure you have the right documents and prepare the night before and it will be a breeze.

Everybody was really nice except the security guys, but thats what they are paid to do.

5/5 Good luck to everyone else.

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