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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5229

Montreal, Canada Review on November 13, 2009:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

Left the hotel at 6:30. Got half way to the consulate and realized we forgot Varba's passport in our hotel room. Came back to the hotel to get it. Got in line (about 12th in line) at about 7:05 AM. We met some really nice people in line. Not "from" VJ, but they've read all the guides so they were well prepared.

Consulate doors opened at 7:35. Darkchilde was the first in and I was very jelous tongue.gif. Gave our passports to the security guard and had our appointment letter at Page 3 for him so he wouldn't have to fuss.

Went though security and had to leave my car keys down there because they are "electronic". Security guy told us to go down the stairs and wait for the security guard to take us up.

Security guy came out and asked who had letters E and F. Most of us were confused because we didn't get letters. He took us all on the elevator and told us to get in line at the cashier. I thought we were just paying but this is where we got our "letter". We got C2. Accidentally bumped in line and felt super bad about it sad.gif.

So we sit down and get our things in order. It takes about an hour for C1 to be called (letters A-F were being called first). Half hour later they call C2, we get round of applause from the people still waiting (yipee!). Called to window 10 where the nice lady tells me she needs ALL my stuff.

This is for you guys who got the old packet 3, I had to give her:

Police Check
Birth Certificate (+ copy)
I-134 + evidence
Xpresspost envelope
DS-156 (2 copies)
DS-160 and confirmation page (where then the lady said "I don't understand why they need this one, you filled it in online").

She then fixed a bunch of stuff on my forms. Oh and make sure your forms are typed, if they aren't you need to type them up on the computer. Mine were all typed, but we saw a few people need to use the computer.

She then sent us to pay. We paid, and came back and she was gone. We waited for 5-10 mins and she came back. In the mean time I was singing to Varba, he was happy she came back. She took my finger prints and told us to go wait in the waiting room again and they'll call us for the actual interview.

45 minutes later our "number" gets called to room 7. We closed the door and she told us we could take off our jackets if we wanted. So we did. She asked how we were and I said I have a cold and can barely talk and she said "Oh, it's ok, I won't be asking you many questions" but then looked down at her sheet and said "oh sorry, I will, you're the one moving!". She verified my left index finger with the scanner and I was so tired I had to figure out what was left and right. She then told us to raise our right hands, so I did and Varba didn't, and he says "me too" and she said "Well, if you want to play yes, if you don't want to play you can leave the room" (She said this in a joking voice). So Varba raises his right hand and she swears us in.

She asked us how we met and when, and when we met in person and if he met my mom on that trip. She then asked what we have in common other than liking video games and I told her we're both pretty weird, and we compliment each other. She asked Varba what state he lives in then asked me if I had ever been and I said yes and she asked if I approved of PA. I said it kinda stinks where he lives.

She then said she was approving our visa, gave us the schpeel and couldn't answer my question so told me to call the border where I would be crossing.

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