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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5217

Mumbai, India Review on November 10, 2009:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

See Packet 3 experience: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=222888

After getting the interview letter and Packet 4 information from the Mumbai Consulate without any problems for our K-1 visa, the journey to completing PCC was a little bit harder.

We did not use an agent because many were on holiday and told us they didn't go to the Passport offices to do much work during Diwali time (which is when we were in the process of the PCC). This caused many, many, many trips for my fiancee to the Commissioners and Passport offices in Surat, but in the end all her hard work paid off and she got it completed in 3 weeks. From what I have read and messaged others about, you can use your NOA2 letter to get the PCC process started if you use an agent, so that is another option if you don't want to wait for the interview date letter and do a lot of the running around yourself. If we had known that, we could have began the PCC process nearly one month earlier and done less trips ourselves. Note, that the type of police certificate required, various per person - this site has more info on that http://mumbai.usconsulate.gov/ivpolicecertificates.html).

We were fortunate that the Medical Exams were done in Surat so my fiancee didn't have to travel for that. (Medical Exam locations: http://mumbai.usconsulate.gov/media/pdf-visas/panel_phy_mumbai_09.pdf). They required her to bring a copy of the interview date letter, the actual passport, two passport pictures, and fees totaling about Rs 6000 with the vaccinations charges payable in cash. At the hospital there were many others getting the immigration exam so the staff were familiar with what needed to be done. After the exam, she was told it would be ready later that day. She received a sealed envelope later that evening to take to the VFS.

Then as required in India she went 8 days (should go 7-10 days) before the interview to the VFS in Mumbai (Other VFS locations: http://mumbai.usconsulate.gov/uploads/x6/Pf/x6Pf6FOVO4Oo-gX_BNnyLw/VFS_Office_Add.pdf). Here is the official VFS website with information on the process for P4: https://www.vfs-usa.co.in/ApplnForms/ImmVisasWestEast.aspx. However, this page is a little confusing because on their list they don't clarify what is need for the type of visa you are applying i.e. K1, K3, etc ) and so say they require I-864 (which is not needed for K-1).

She took the following documents to VFS (I came up with this list based on Mumbai Consulate website - http://mumbai.usconsulate.gov/ivforms.html and K-1 P4 instructions - http://mumbai.usconsulate.gov/media/pdf-visas/info_k1_packet4.pdf)

1. Original passport and complete copy of each page
2. Two passport size photos (http://mumbai.usconsulate.gov/media/pdf-visas/photo_inst_packet4_k1.pdf)
3. Application forms (DS-156 - signed and DS-156K - unsigned, DS230 Part II - unsigned,)
4. Birth Certificate (original and photocopy)
5. Proof of Relationship (Same as what we submitted in I-129F and then adding recent emails, pictures, etc since I-129F submission)
6. Police Report
7. Affidavit of Support (I-134 completed and signed by Petitioner, Petitioner's US Passport copy, Petitioner's personal 2008 US Tax Returns, recently dated intent to marry letter by Petitioner)
8. Medical Report
9. Courier fees Rs 387 (Payable in cash)
10. NOA2 letter
11. Interview date letter

AT Mumbai VFS she arrived at 10:30 in the morning and was given a number and sat in the waiting area until her number was called. She went up to the window and gave all the documents to the representative. They took the following documents: copy of passport, two passport photos, DS-230, DS-156, DS-156K, Birth Cert., Proof of Relationship, Police Report, Affidavit of Support, Medical Report. And they gave her a receipt for the documents that they took and courier fees being paid. My fiancée asked about the K-1 Visa fees, and they said to go to Medical office the night before the interview to find out the exchange rate and created a bank draft payable to 'American Consulate General, Mumbai' to the interview.

She plans to take with her to the interview a complete copy set of I-129F application that I sent here in the US, Packet 3 documents she submitted, and a complete copy of Packet 4 documents. I'll post again on our interview experience...

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