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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5061

London, United Kingdom Review on October 8, 2009:

Liam and Kara

Review Topic: K1 Visa

I travelled down the night before, my interview was on Tuesday 6th Oct, got a flight to Luton Airport(was the cheapest)off flight on to waiting but to the Parkway for the train into London, half an hour away, arrived at St.Pancras station and walked to the hotel i had booked which was just across the road from the station, it was nothing swanky just cheap, would only be there for one night,found it on www.londontown.com.
Ok, made my way to the Embassy stopping off at the Pharmacy to leave my cell phone(£4) which you dont get back,my appointment was at 0930 so i arrived at 0830, at the outside of the building you have to show your letter of appointment for them to tick you off their sheet for the day to allow you to pass to security, again which is outside the building, once past here you are directed to the main reception door where you show your letter again and they give you a pink sheet and a barcode with a number on it. you make your way up a flight of stairs to the main hall where everyone is anxiously staring at the screens in the centre of the hall for their number to come up, note this can get very warm, which can make you sleepy and begin to make you nod off, or maybe that was just me, had little sleep the night before, i was like a kid waiting on Christmas Eve, the wait seemed to take forever, number after number came and went, some were close to mine and some weren't then during my drowsy state i though i had missed my number and panic ensued, but after 10 mins my number eventually did show up on the screen and i was off, i was met by a man(Keith) behind the screen at booth 14 he gave me a slip tp go to booth 12 and pay for my visa $130 or £82 cash, they do not take Maestro, but do take cash/dollars/visa/amex i paid that and returned to the booth where i was asked to place my fingers on the small screen for them to take my finger prints then was aked for birth certs, police report, both of these i required photocopies,fiancee's finacial details,evidence of support, if required, NOA2, passprot, 2 passport size pictures then i was told to go back and wait for my number to be displayed again as this would be for my interview, i would say i was with Keith about 10/15mins.
I took my seat again facing the screens and got a drink from the kiosk at the far end of the hallway. after about an hour i had my number come up, this was it....i got to the booth number 16 to be greeted by a Lady and a man standing behind her, i guess over looking proceedings, i had to raise my right hand and swear that the evidence i was giving...blah blah blah you get the picture.
I was then asked where we had met, when we had met in person, when we got engaged and where, then i was asked if had anything on my police report and whether i had be denied entry to the USA before(you can check back on my topics for the story there) after discussing all this, the Lady turned to her colleague for a chat, she then turned to me to say to go to the courier desk to pay for the documents to be sent to my home address and that was everything completed...i stood there and asked her if i had been approved and she smiled and said yes, no congratulations or anything just yes thats you all done and you have been approved. bit of an anti climax but i could have cared less YAY i went to the courier desk and paid my money, they made small talk about where i was moving to and wished me all the best, i just wanted out of there, i got out with a smile on my face from ear to ear,got my phone from the Pharmacy and made my call to Kara, it was 1300 here in the uk and 0800 where she was, we were exstatic, i had not been very emotional in the building, think maybe nerves and adrenalin, but once out and the fact that everything was now behind us i just sat and cried after i came of the phone......we can now start a life together at last and be a normal family. in the end it was all worth it YAY yeeeeee haaaaa as they say in the south.

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