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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5059

London, United Kingdom Review on October 8, 2009:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hi, complicated time for us... We filed for a CR1/CR2 initially last year, or so we thought. Turns out we should have filed a separate I-130 for my 11 year old daughter. Did not realise this until after I-130 was approved. So we have a compassionate filing for my daughter, DCF, alongside my CR1.

I think it took several miracles that my daughter's papers were considered at the same interview as me. I had to hand in her I-864 things and submit documents, as well as going over my things. Daughter was only told she could be at the interview at 3pm on Friday. I had sooooo much paperwork with me.

So ! We had train tickets, and accomodation booked for both of us. My husband was coming over for the interview, so I knew she could be with him if she was not to be interviewed. (It counted as a separate case, so the below 14 rule did not apply. (Medical for her was added to mine cos I asked, a lot of begging along the way.) Anyways, appointment was for 9am. We arrived about 8.20. Queues not too long, but it does look daunting going in. I thought I had taken everything out of my bag, but I had a USB key by mistake, and it went in the bin. Went in, sat down in a cross between airport lounge, doctors office/argos. Screens not working, and I could not concentrate to read. Our number was called and we went to the window. The nice lady could not find our files, someone was usig them. (I still had little idea of daughter's case status at this point.) We waited, then had to go sit down. Waited half an hour then was called to the desk. Our papers were just in a heap. Mess. Nothing clipped. The lady was nice though, and as she was putting the papers together she asked various questions in a "chatty" way. How did we meet ? Did he have children ? How my daughter had coped with her father's death was mentioned. It was relaxed enough. Took about 30 minutes I think. I was happy when she said I had to pay for daughter's I-864. Meant we had a chance of getting this done today. Paid it. Gladly ! Gave receipt from cashier to lady, and put the other bit in a safe place. I had a speeding offence, and had given them Disclosure Scotland certificates which were passed, but she asked for court records. Thankfully I had got those after the Disclosure Scotland certificated were approved. Wanted everything nailed down. I also needed a second death certificate for my daughter. Copies of these documents as well. Handed it all over. Was so glad I had indexed things. Hands were shakey. Got a pink slip to fill in and left the window.

Then we sat down and waited for over an hour. Nearer two prob. Feeling rather sick. They had snack things for sale and my daughter was perfectly happy watching the comings and goings. She had a word search thing as well.

Second interview. The happy looking guy said this bit would be quick. (Was this good or bad news ?) He asked how my husband had met his first wife ? (not seen that question coming, but I knew.) He asked where he worked, and how we had met. He then said it all was looking fine. He was astonished at the I-864 forms. First time he had ever encountered someone submitting two of those correct the first time. My daughter's filing going through straight with no further requests was a first for her type of case. He asked my daughter what her step father's job was, and if she liked where she was to live. We were sworn in at some point in the chat, he explained to my daughter what the oath meant, that she must tell the truth, and then we signed the papers. I signed for my daughter. Then we were told to go pay for the courier ! I expected fireworks or something, but I think I was in shock it was finally done.

This was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but the embassy have been genuinely helpful and been as nice as they possibly could be.

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