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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #4902

Afghanistan Review on August 26, 2009:



Review Topic: General Review

My Fiancee interview was at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday August 25th. I called her in the mornig to wake her up at 6:00 a.m.

Once she made it to the window, she said that a Lady interviewd her & asked her just a few questions:

1. Where did you meet?
2. How many times your Fiancee, come see you?
3. Why do you want to come to America?

While she was answering these questions, the interviewer, was looking at the Folder that I'd made up for her, with all information.

If I can say one thing, make sure yuou have a nice Folder, with all your Proof of Relationship. I had so much information from my previous 3 Trips: Boarding Passes, Hotel Receipts, Skype Log, Paypal, 100's of Yahoo Messenger Chats,Pictures frm our 3 Trips together & different areas of Thailand (with Family in Isan)

The interviewer didn't issue my Fiance the Visa on her first Trip to the Embassy, due to her not finding my 3 Years of Tax Transcripts, I put in an envelope But she told her to come back the next Day & present the documents & she would receive her Visa!!

So My Fiancee, came back the next Day, after I showed her, the papers in the Folder I prepared & the Visa was approved

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