Mumbai, India | Review on August 26, 2009: | kkp

Rating: | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
I had interivew yesterday under CR1 catagory at Mumbai Consulate. That what I experience at consulate.
Enter at 7:15 security checking done waiting for Fingerprints.
At 7:30 Fingerprints done.
Then wait for half an hour for call to return my original documents.
When she (Indian Lady) called my name at window 10 I went there she didnt ask me any questions not even asked for interpritor. (for Gujarati)
At 11:20 Am Immigration Officer called my name at window 9.
Greet with Good Morning.
First he asked to take oath.
Then he started questions.
1) when you get married? (translator spoke in gujarati)
2) is your arranged marriage or love marriage. ( I answered in English before translator asked in Gujarati)
3) Translator asked me you know english then why did you ask for translator. I said I havent had conversation about translator with that Indian lady officer. Officer said OK. U know english and can you answer in english. I said yes.
4)Have you had photo with your wife except any kind of ceremony?
5) when you saw your wife last time?
And then with smile he said your visa has been approved.
Thanks and Bye.
I went out within 4 minutes.
Really its very good experice except long wait for interview.
I hope this will be helpful for you people.
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