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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #4800

London, United Kingdom Review on August 1, 2009:



Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Wife US citizen, in USA
Me UK citizen, currently in UK
First met online, June 2001, touched May 2002
Travelled/stayed for extended periods in both countries
Married in the UK 17 months ago, have 2 children, one born in UK, other US.
Decided that we would settle in USA.

Caught the train to London from Birmingham Intl Station, takes around 1.15hr, arrived at Euston, caught tube to nearest exit top embassy.

Appointment time was 8.30, got there at 8.10, small line outside the embassy, with security/assistants, over heard that you are not allowed to take any electronics in, for example, mobile phone, remote key fobs, also, only a small bag is allowed. Up to you to sort out where to leave them, they do give you a bit of paper with a few shops/cafes suggested as places you may leave electronic items, but all at your own risk etc etc...

I decided to leave them at passport photo shop on Oxford St, about 3 mins away from embassy. Went back to the line at embassy, which was actually smaller now, they do a quick check of your paperwork, so make sure you have every in order, including your appointment letter. Next I was ushered into the security control room outside the embassy, this is where they x-ray/scan you and your belongings, my bag went through the scanner and failed! Forget that I'd left a small pair of headphones for my MP3 player in there ...sooo...went back to the passport shop again! As luck would have IT, the line even smaller , I'd have to start over, which is only fair. It was 8.40 by now. So, went through the x-ray/scan again, passed, but they did make me take a drink out of my bottle of water.

Very short walk to reception, hand appointment letter over, they give you a ticket, you then proceed to the main waiting area. It was around 8.50 by now.

Waiting area has seating and rows of booths for the embassy staff, much like a UK Post Office, each with a numerical ID, 1 to 23 IIRC. There are rows of TFT displays in the waiting area, showing ticket numbers and associated booth number, this info is also announced over the PA. I waited around 1.30hrs for my first interview, they asked for 2 recent photos, which I had, appointment letter and my passport (which they keep for a few days), he checked a few things, ask me to fill out form with my UK address for which the courier use to return my visa package, he also handed be a (thick)booklet entitled along the lines of "Welcome to the USA"...all of this I took as a good sign and only took a few minutes. I was then asked to take a seat again and wait for my number to pop-up for a second time and this would be for the main interview. I waited around 1hr, its now around 12.15ish.

Number comes up, I was expecting a room or something, but nope, you go to the same booth again, he ask me my wifes name, what she does for a living, what I do for living and that was it!!Had to swear that everything said and written was the truth etc, it took around 3 minutes...I had made the assumption most of the processing is done from the paperwork and background checks, but even so, was surprised how quick it was. Having worked for the UK MoD and having security clearance may have helped me out here.

You then get all your medical stuff back, wait in small line at the courier desk to arrange shipment of your visa package, cost around £15 for courier,I stepped out of the embassy at 12.40, done and dusted.

I took 5 days for the visa package to arrive, with a big letter attached saying "DO NOT OPEN", the package has to be opened by immigration staff at your PoE, so do not open it! They also returned my passport, which if you remember I had to hand over at the interview.

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