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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #467

Nigeria Review on March 9, 2006:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

My Fiance had a nice experience at the Lagos COnsulate.At least they did not give him any problems.
His interview was scheduled for March 7th,2006 at 7.00am

He got there at 6.45am and as usual there was a long queue of people waiting for their interviews.
It got to his turn and they gave him a number IV 20 Whatever that means.

Finally after 2 hrs,He was called in by a nice looking lady(so he said).SHe told him to submit his Birth Certificate,Affidavit of support and other the necessary forms he needed to hand in and go wait in another 2hrs.He was called in for the main interview by a different lady.

She looked at him and said , so DrXXX, you are applying for an immigrant visa.WHat visa is that by the way.He responded by saying K1 Fiance visa.The lady said "Are you aware that you have to marry within 90days from the date you get into the States?"My fiance said he was aware of the fact.She therefore brought the DS156 and DS156-K for him to sign it in front of her.She proceeded to ask him to do the fingerprinting for both fingers.Told him to swear on his life that all he came to say was the truth and nothing but the truth yadda yadda ah and so on like that.

Asked him the ffg questions based on the HOW WE MET word doc i sent to the USCIS office in Texas.
1.What is your fiace's name?
2.What does she do now?
3.Where does she work?
4.Where does she live?
5.How did we meet?

Great thing about this is that we met 6 yrs ago and have been dating that quite long.he went to explain this was the situation and he had a lot of proof that the relationship was valid.
Asked my fiance if he had resigned from his job. HE told her no cos he was waiting for the result of the interview

She therefore asked him for the evidence of fiance relationship.My fiance had a stack full of evidence , gave everything to her and said these letters sound so romantic.It looks valid enough.

Finally after all the grueling questions, she told him he can resign from his job,he is coming to the U.S

He could not believe his ears. She gave him a BLUE CARD and said congratulations, come pick up your passport on Friday
Shi ke nah!

I was so happy, he was so happy he called me at 3.30am central time to give me all this info.He said it was the easiest interview he has ever attended.

He however saw other people who were trying to get a non-immigrant visiting visa and they were refused.THe U.S embassy can really hurt people in that lagos consulate.I mean people sleep over at the consulate just because of getting a visa and go all these stress.

Thank God ,our prayers came true.After 6yrs of over the ocean relationship, we are finally going to be together.
Thank God.

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