London, United Kingdom | Review on June 10, 2009: | JimandChristy

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Cued up outside the Embassy around 8:15am, then once I got to security, I forget I had my pen drive and a set of headphones in my bag, so I had to go back to Goulds Pharmacy and drop those off. When I returned I was readmitted straight back to Security and finally I got through, walked around the building and I entered the Embassy at 8:45am.
In the reception area I handed over my appointment letter and I was given ticket number 5014, I knew I was in for a long wait. The waiting area certainly reminds you of being at Argos, you sit down and wait for your ticket number to be called to any of the 25 available booths.
Then after looking at the screen for a hour and half my ticket number finally came up, I was assigned window 1 and there I had my fingerprints scanned. I was asked to hand over my two photos, Birth Certificate, Police Certificate, Passport, Affidavit of Support (Sponsor and Co-sponsor) and had to sign the DS-156 forms. I was then told to go to window 14 to pay the visa fee and returned to be told to sit down and wait to hear for my number again. Only another 45mins had passed and I was called up to window 15 for the interview.
I raised my right hand and swore to tell the truth, I was interviewed by an American lady who was very nice and during the whole interview procedure not once did I feel uptight or nervous. Questions asked were:
1. When and Where did you meet your fiancee
2. When and where did you first meet in person
3. When was the last time you met in person
4. What has been your longest stay in the USA
5. Have you ever been arrested or been denied entry by an Immigration Officer
6. When are you going to the USA
7. When do you intend to get married
8. Where do you intend to live in the USA
9. What job do you intend to take up when you have been give permission to work
10. Have you made any preparations already to ensure employment
The CO said she was happy with everything and I was approved pending the medical results and Co-sponsor's US birth certificate. She gave me the blue form and was told to send back my passport, blue form and the Birth certificate when I received it with the Courier. Once received they would issue the visa and return it with the visa inside. I then left the Embassy, back through security and back to Goulds Pharmacy to pick up my phone etc. Then on the lawn of Grosvenor Square at 11:30am I called Christy to tell her the good news.
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