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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #4337

London, United Kingdom Review on May 5, 2009:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

I made my way to the U.S Embassy from Victoria Station (Victoria line to Green Park, then the Jubilee line to Bond Street). I did get a little lost because a police officer directed me in the wrong direction but quickly got that sorted. Dropped my phone and mp3 off at the pharmacy.

There was no line outside, even though it was 8:30am, so I went straight in through security.. was given a number (5019) and told to wait for my number to be called. It must have been around 3 and a half hours when I was called to the window. The man asked for my passport, photographs, birth certificate and police certificate... he asked if I had the financial evidence such as the 134 form, and some supporting document, so I gave him a tax form for both my fiance and our co-sponsor.

He then told me to pay for the visa service in the window next to us, and come back.. then gave me a pink slip and told me to go back to the waiting room, where I waited another hour or so to be called for interview. The young American man told me to hold on for 10 minutes as he ran off, and when he came back, he asked me a few questions, such as how me and my fiance met, when we met, what he does for a living, when I finish school.. we talked about the complications of the visa meaning wedding plans are difficult, and he said he understood. He then asked if I was given a pink slip, and I said yes. He told me to take it to the front desk and pay for the courier service, and that he would keep my passport so that he can attach a nice visa to it.

All in all, easy. Except the waiting. Literally 250 non-immigrants went before me, and I wasn't prepared for a 5 hour wait with nothing to do. I did bring a magazine but was suffering from a headache at that point, plus needed to listen out for my number.

My advice is to not worry. All very easy.

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