London, United Kingdom | Review on May 2, 2009: | paul.

Rating: | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
My interview was at 0830hrs on the 28th of April, 2009.
I arrived by train and tube at Bond street and as I had walked my journey using google streetview, I knew exactly where I was and where to go. I arrived at Goulding pharmacy promptly at 0730, as they opened and stashed my electronic devices. I still had a normal-sized rucksack with paperwork in, a pen and some food and drink inside.
I lined up outside for about 30 minutes initially, from 0735 roughly, before noticing that my line went to a bunch of students and not the entrance...it was a check-in line for Camp America and because you couldn't see the front of the line, I'd thought it was for the Embassy. nevertheless, after walking up to the now empty line for the embassy, a lot of people who'd been doing the same followed. I got through security fine, had to take my belt off and had to take a swig of my bottled water, to prove it wasn't dangerous.
Next, I walked around the side of the building and at the entrance is the receptionist, who checks you in and gives you your ticket. I was 5006, so number 6 from the immigrant visas that day. That made me smile, as I knew I wouldn't be there too long.
About an hour and a bit , I was called up to window 1 with a nice small Asian lady, whom I had a good conversation with about all sorts while she processed me. Everything was in order and she gave me my medical x-ray in a large, brown envelope. After that, people started to notice who else was a 5-series ticket through the envelopes, and awkward smiles ensued.
Another 30 minute wait or so and I got called to window 16 for the interview.
I swore I would tell the truth, gave her my fingerprints and then she asked me 3 questions only:
- where did we meet?
- how long have we been married?
- have we had the opportunity to live together as a couple?
I answered them and she approved me, probably within 3 minutes of walking up to the booth.
As I left the Embassy, I popped past the courier desk and arranged what was needed. I paid for before noon delivery, as I need to fly ASAP as my new job is due to start shortly.
Above all other feeling, one stuck out. Relief. An absolute anti-climax for those with nothing to hide.
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