London, United Kingdom | Review on April 27, 2009: | colinjess

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
SO i had a 9am interview! but i decided to get there early and skip the que! Arrived at the embassy at 7 30 and was through security by 8am. As i qued up my dad decided he would wait around til i got in! but guess what happened he started to take pictures of me in the que! and he got asked by a police officer why he was taking pictures! lol so while i was going through security my dad had to persuade the officer he wasnt a terrorist HAHA
Any way i got to the main building and got my ticket. Number 5002 so it is well worth getting their early to jump the que! Once then i went into the waiting room which has all the interview booths on the right side and 4 big tv screens calling your number out! ITs very simple to follow so no need to worry.
After waiting about 30 mins i got called to window 1 and had to give them my finger prints and was asked for my passport, birth certificate, Police record, and affidavits! At window 1 was fei lei a small chinese woman, who i could hardly here over all the noise of the waiting room and the voice over the tannoy calling the ticket numbers out!i then had to go and pay the visa fee and go back to window 1!
I think she got a little annoyed that i couldnt here her, i think she may of thought i wasnt listening???
She then told me to sit down and wait for my interview, which would take some time! but then all of a sudden "MR BROOME to Window 1 please", i paniced thinking there was somethign wrong, but all that it was that they didnt have my medical results, and wanted to know if i have had it! which i explained that i had only just done the medical last thursday!
i then waited for about another 20mins and got called to Window 15 for my interview where the nice american woman, took my finger prints and then proceeded with the interview.
Which was very formal and easy going, only thing is that she just stared at me ! the questions she asked me where:
1> how did we meet?
2> how did the relationship start?
3> have i been married or your fiancee?
4> has you fiancee got children?
5> when did she get divorced?
6> what relationship is the sponser to jess?
7>Have i met the children?
and i think that was all! it was just like having a chat with an old friend who wanted to know what i been up to the last couple of years! is the best way i could describe it !!
she then told me to pay the courier fee and that i was approved pending medical results !
all in all a GREAT experoence!!
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