London, United Kingdom | Review on February 14, 2009: | DairyFarmer

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
So it felt like a long day. I was on Bond Street by 7:30 so went to Starbucks and bought a coffee, tasted awful the milk was burnt, couldn't have drunk it anyway for the nervousness I felt.
Surreal David Lynch moment as 20 or so police horses were exercised down bond street.
I arrived at the USE by 8am for my 9am interview. There was already quite a line. It was a cold brisk morning in London, whilst lined up outside there was a few snow flakes.
Took about 35 mins to get inside. I was issued a 1000 number (1052) which I questioned (thanks VJers) then I was issued a 5000 number (5009). When I sat down numbers 5005 through to myself were on the board. (Before I left it ha only risen to 5016)
Then sat and waited over 2 hours for my first call up. There was a K family (K3 & K2) at the counters and one of the K2 children ended up fainting and then having an epileptic seizure. This meant there were no 5000 numbers being processed.
Finally up to window 14, a young Brit guy, sent me directly to the cashier at window 12, back to window 14, provided all docs (bar the Aus Police Cert), he then said be aware you will be denied until we receive it. We discussed AP and AOS (I knew way more than him, he gave some weird misleading info re the AP) We chatted a little more, (I'm sure he was trying to soften me up, but I love to talk no softening was really required) as it turns out his sister met her husband on-line in a chat room. He said he'd met plenty who met in on-line chat rooms but a mobile phone chat room was a first for him. (He was also the one to tell me about the K family he had been serving them at the time) Interestingly he says there is usually a fainting at least once a week!!!! Asked why weren't moving to Australia, I said the farm wasn't very movable. He then took my finger prints and then sent me back to the waiting room. Sat for another good while.
Called up to window 16 young American guy (Hart) this time. He made me repeat my fingerprints said he didn't know why they hadn't accepted them the first time as they were a good set.
He asked me when I had been to the US before. Was surprised my visits in the early 90's weren't listed. He thought the records normally went back that far. Asked what John did for a living? Who he farmed with? Did he own the farm?
Then he cross checked the I-134's VERY carefully, asked why I would want to move to Michigan, I said John was there, he asked how he had proposed it flustered me, I knew it was a possible question, but I was embarrassed. It is quite a personal moment between John and I. Then he asked why his dad was co-sponsoring, I said he wasn't his mother was, he checked the I-134 again and laughed, I was right. Duh I know I'm right, wasn't sure if he was testing me. Maybe not.
He had been busy filling out a blue form which he then handed me. A H/iv/IV30SVA2007(UK59)
Your visa application has been suspended under Section 221() of the Immigration and Nationality Act because you have not presented some required documents. Your application will be reconsidered when you have returned the additional documents indicated below. (Australian Police Certificate & Passport)
Explained I would call for the Courier to come pick them up and my Passport and Visa would be returned 5 days later. I said thanks and he then said Congratulations. I stood there for a moment, and then felt the tension release and my face broke into a smile which hurt my cheeks.
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