London, United Kingdom | Review on February 12, 2009: | Terri and Seb

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My appointment letter said 9am, but figuring I could hang around outside and read, I got to the London embassy at about 7:20 AM. There was already a queue outside, maybe 15 people were there already. I was outside for maybe 15 minutes - not long at all. I took my belt off for security, had my big folder of documents x-rayed, and was inside by about 7:40. My ticket number was 5001 - considering that immigrant visa applicants are numbered from 5000, I'd done exceptionally well.
At about 8:20, I was called up to window 14. I showed the guy (who was English) my passport, then I was sent to the cashier, where I paid my $131 in cash. I returned to window 14, where I handed in my birth certificate, my passport photos, my police certificate, and the I-134 forms (plus all my photocopies). I also signed my two DS-156 forms that I'd mailed in January. My fingerprints were scanned, and I was sent back into the hall, to await my actual interview.
At about 9:20, I was summoned to window 16 for my interview. The guy there was American - early 20s, somewhat of a boy scout, very friendly. After I'd sworn that all the information I'd supplied is true, he asked me the following questions in no particular order:
* "So you met in the States, right?" I explained that we met online but that she spent a year studying in the UK.
* "And when did she leave the UK"?
* "What made you decide that you'd live in the States rather than here?" I explained that my fiancée's still a student.
* "And what's she studying"
* "Where will you be living in the States"
* "Who proposed?" After I said, "me", he responded, "I like that, I'm pretty traditional. How did you do it" I told him about how I put the ring inside a cheesecake my sister baked, and he laughed, wondering if I wasn't terrified she might swallow it. "And when was that?" I told him the exact date.
* "Tell me all the countries you've lived in for longer than a year since turning 16"
* "Have you lived in the USA before?" I explained that I was an H4 for five years, which he was very excited about.
After all that, he said I was approved and wished me the best of luck. Before leaving to pay the courier, though, I asked him about the big pile of photographs and phone bills and emails etc that I'd brought and if they're ever required - the embassy never mentioned it prior to my interview, but being cautious I brought it anyway. He said, "it depends on the interview we just had. We didn't need any extra stuff from you". I guess my sincerity was apparent with all the questions he asked - he could tell I was in it for the love!
I left at around 9:30, around 2 hours after I'd arrived. If I can offer any advice to future London interviewees, it would be:
* arrive before 8, even if your interview letter says 9am! Getting inside by 7:40 made a huge difference. By the time I went up to Window 14 to hand in my money and documents, I could see (on the display boards) that 5007 had just joined the queue. By the time I'd left, 5007 hadn't been called yet. You want to be as far ahead in the queue as possible.
* They have nice coffee inside. Don't worry!
All in all, I found the process to be pleasant. Everybody I dealt with inside the embassy was very polite, and my interviewer seemed genuinely interested in reuniting me with my fiancée. I almost wish I had a longer interview!
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