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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #3734

London, United Kingdom Review on December 19, 2008:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Arrived in ample time for a 9am interview. Had to waste some extra time before they would let me join the queue - there's a Starbucks 100yds from the Embassy gate, heading back towards Oxford St if you find yourself in a similar situation .

I turned up in a shirt and tie which I thought was probably important beforehand. Very few others were smartly dressed but then most were there for tourist visas. If I were to do it again, I'd still wear a shirt and tie, impressions do count, officially or otherwise .

There was some hassle at the first window because the Embassy scheduled my interview at very short notice and before we'd sent the final packet back indicating we were ready and I didn't have an Affidavit of Support with me. That said, the man left it for the IO to deal with, sent me to pay (possible in USD or GBP - I paid in USD which seemed to surprise the woman) and sit back down. The waiting wasn't as I expected, sat their with my great big chest x-ray film on my lap waiting for my number to be called. It looked like there were complimentary drinks at the far end but to be honest, I was far to nervy to investigate .

I was called back after what seemed like about 20 minutes to see the immigration officer, raise right-hand and swear to tell the truth, as you all know. He asked me some basic questions about how we met, really simple stuff and nothing to sweat about. He also asked why my fiancée hadn't been to the UK which I answered by explaining how she had a job to hold down, kids to look after and anyway, the way the economy was meant that it was not financially a good idea for her to visit me, the money was better saved for the wedding... He understood that.

Next we got on to the missing affidavit. He gave me a wry smile when I told him the Embassy had scheduled my appointment before they should have (I showed him the reply slip to demonstrate that I was telling the truth and really hadn't requested the interview). He said it was no problem and gave me the blue RFE paper and told me to just send it to the Embassy as soon as I had it (via SMS courier, you can't submit evidence by regular post) and that visa issuance would happen 5 working days from receipt. He ended the interview by telling me "Enjoy your time in the United States", which I took to be a good sign!

I submitted the affidavit of support a few days later and within a week I had my visa in hand. Booked a flight the following day and was in my new home with my future wife within a month

Rating 4, would have been a 5 if it wasn't for the scheduling before we had the documents ready thing. Can't fault the Embassy staff, they were friendly and polite and not half as intimidating as I was expecting.

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