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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #3586

Ghana Review on November 18, 2008:


Review Topic: K3 Visa

My husband and I were so excited and we really worked hard on making sure we had everything required for his interview on 10/30. We were sure that everything would go well and he would be home the first week in November.

Things went very well at the interview and my husband said the woman that interviewed him was very kind and seemed very satisfied with all of our paperwork, etc. Much to our disappointment, we found out that we had to have a DNA test completed in order to prove that he is really the biological father of my stepson. So........our new interview date is February 2. The DNA test is very expensive so I can understand why they wait to make sure you pass the rest of the interview before they send you for it but we were heartbroken that we would have to wait even longer to be together.

I wish that we could do something to make the immigration process easier for people. We filed the K3/K4 VISA because it was supposed to be faster but I think had we pursued the Immigrant VISA, it would have gone just as quickly.

I have to remind myself that everything happens in God's time, not mine, and insha Allah, he'll be here in time for Valentine's Day!

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