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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #33244

Dublin, Ireland Review on June 21, 2024:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancée had her interview yesterday and was approved! Here is her experience:

“When I arrived at the embassy, I saw a few people, about five, waiting to go in. A woman approached us, asking for our passports and photos, and confirmed whether the photos had been taken within the last six months.

A guard then opened the door, and I went through security. I placed all my belongings into a tray and turned off my phone. After my belongings were scanned, I collected my documents, while my phone and watch were placed in a locker. I received a key to retrieve them after the interview, which I wore around my neck. I was then directed to the part of the building where the interviews take place.

Inside, a guard on the left asked what I was there for. I told him it was for a K-1 visa, and he directed me to the right. I waited in line behind two men who were also dressed smartly, unlike some others who didn't put much effort into their appearance. After about 20-30 minutes, it was my turn.

I was asked my fiancée's name, handed over my passport, ID photos (again confirmed to be recent), birth certificate and copy, police report, medical exam, and the I-134 document. My fingerprints were taken, and I was then asked to sit and wait.

After around 20 minutes, my name was called over the intercom. I approached the counter (not a private room as I expected; it was more like a bank counter) where an American interviewer greeted me. There were two American interviewers, each handling one person at a time. My interview lasted about 10-15 minutes, and the questions were straightforward.

I was asked about my fiancée’s full name, his job, my job, his living situation, our wedding plans, any past issues with the police for either of us, my work plans after moving, how we met, and who visited whom first. The interviewer told me everything looked good and that I would receive a parcel in the post, which I shouldn't open. He advised me to arrive early when flying over since customs would question me, which is standard procedure. He also asked if my fiancée was waiting outside, and I said no, unfortunately.

After the interview, I retrieved my belongings from security and left the embassy feeling elated.

For anyone with an upcoming interview, don’t worry. As long as you're honest and your relationship is genuine, you'll do great! (By the way, there's a changing room inside where the interviews are conducted).”

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