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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #32744

Juarez, Mexico Review on November 29, 2023:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

Preguntas hechas en la entrevista.

En este orden.

- Quién te pide y como se llama?
- Dónde nació?
- Como se conocieron?
- Qué te gustó de él cuando lo conociste?
- En qué trabaja? Que hace?
- Tienes tatuajes?
- Dónde está tu novio ahora?
- Tienen hijos por separado?
- Primer matrimonio para ambos?
- No tienen hijos perros o gatos?
- Como se llama tu perrita?
- Quién le propuso matrimonio a quien?
- Como te propuso matrimonio?
- Has estado en Estados Unidos antes?
- Has trabajado en Estados Unidos?
- Te has quedado más del tiempo permitido?
- Cuales son sus planes de boda?

Son un montón de preguntas pero la conversación fluyó muy rápido y todo eso fue como en 3-4 minutos.

Questions asked in the interview.

In this order.

- Who petitions you and what is their name?
- Where was he born?
- How did you meet?
- What did you like about him when you met him?
- What does he do for living? Explain what he does at work?
- Do you have any tattoos?
- Where is your fiancé now?
- Do you have children on each own?
- First marriage for both?
- Don't you have dogs or cats?
- What's your dog's name?
- Who proposed to whom?
- How did he propose to you?
- Have you been to the United States before?
- Have you worked in the United States?
- Have you stayed longer than the allowed time?
- What are your wedding plans?

They asked me for my fiancé birth certificate.

There are a lot of questions but the conversation flowed very quickly and all of that was in like 3-4 minutes.

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