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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #31777

Naples, Italy Review on February 9, 2023:



Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Medical appointment is scheduled automatically for the day before the visa interview in Naples. We arrived at 6:15AM to be the first people in line, and by 6:30 there was already several people waiting in line. We were the first to go in and they ask if you're there for the consulato appointment several times, so just tell them yes since this medical facility also serves locals for routine visits as well. The entire appointment was done in less than 3 hours, and everyone was very nice. They did not give us any envelopes or the x-rays as they send everything directly to the consulate. The next day we arrived at the consulate at 7:30 AM and were the first in line, which was great since we were the first couple to be let in! They only let the beneficiary go inside, sponsors have to wait outside. The guards are not nice at all but I suppose that is to be expected. Once you go inside you will go through airport security, taking off shoes jewelry etc. The total wait time to get the visa was less than 1 hour since we were the first to go inside! The interview and document checks took less than 10 minutes, and everyone was nice. They only asked for original marriage, police and birth certificates. They asked how we met and when, and when we got married and just said "oh cool" to everything! They approved and said to pay the USCIS fee once the visa is sent to us. By the next morning the visa was already delivered to the home in Venice. Very easy, we brought every document imaginable and were over-prepared but everything was smooth. Some people were still waiting in line to go inside the consulate by the time we were done, so get there early!

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