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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #31251

New York City NY Review on July 14, 2022:



Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Had our AOS marriage interview today. Very smooth process. We had an 8am interview, only a very small line to get inside at that time. By the time we came out around 10:15, the line to enter the building was almost around the block so FYI if you have a mid morning appt!
Security is a breeze, just like the airport. There is a very rude security officer on the 4th floor though- she wasn’t rude to us but was very mean and yelling at a man who clearly hardly spoke any English.
We waited about 1.5-almost 2 hours in the waiting room before being called in by an officer. Officer was very professional but was easy enough to talk to. He didn’t have a scary or intimidating demeanor, it was more like he was on his computer just going through a checklist to see what we had to offer. He only asked my foreign husband three questions-
1. Where does your wife work
2. Have you ever been married before
3. Does your wife have any kids
-The officer also verbally read our current address out loud and asked my husband to confirm if he lived there.

The rest of questions directed at me, the USC:
1. How did you meet your husband?
2. Has your husband ever worked while in the US?
3. Husband have any kids?
-how old
-have you met his daughter?
4. Show me your proof of being a USC
5. Show me your marriage certificate
6. Do you have a lease together (I showed him that)
Then he asked if we have any photos and I brought out our photo album/scrapbook. He quickly flipped through the front only, and mentioned he didn’t have time to go through it all. I gave him 10 loose photos instead and he went through those and took out about 5. He took a variety of photos - 2 of us with my parents, a pic of us at our wedding with our minister, a few of my husband and I with different backdrops clearing showing different seasons and places (Bronx Zoo, on the Brooklyn bridge, in Miami, a few photos of us in the Caribbean).
Then I offered up copies of our joint AMEX statements (he didn’t ask, I offered). He only wanted most recent statement. Then I offered up our most recent tax return so he took that too.
He then asked my husband about 5 of the YES or NO questions from I-485.
After that he said he was going to approve us and we should have the green card in about one week. I started crying tears of joy in the hallway out. Officer thanked us for our patience. We were inside of his office about 15 minutes.
Just relax and be prepared, they may not even ask for 80% of the documents that you bring (happened to us), but better to be over prepared. If you are a real couple it will be fine.
Good luck everyone!!!

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