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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #31112

Frankfurt, Germany Review on June 8, 2022:

S. G.

Review Topic: General Review

I want to say that my interview appointment did not start too great and then got better from there If you don't want to read this whole story you can skip to the end. =>>

I brought my partner to the interview appointment, because the US department of state website and the Frankfurt consulate website indicated that that's allowed. However, the ladies at the appointment ticket window were incredibly rude and told us that she was not allowed in with me unless I needed help translating or we had an email that stated she was allowed in. We tried to reason with them but they pretty much can do whatever they want - I was told later by the officer that interviewed me. So I guess if they'd felt compassionate they could have let her in. It was very frustrating, because we'd read everything very carefully and nowhere on their website could we find this Frankfurt Consulate specific rule. Would have been nice to know that she didn't have to get up at 5 am with me... So my advice to anyone who may want to bring their husband/wife to the appointment is to email the Frankfurt consulate to ask for permission prior to the interview (keep in mind that it can sometimes take a few days to hear back from them).

And I'm not sure why but the same ladies at the front desk also handed me my ticket with my number on it without explaining anything about it so I figured someone/something on the inside would explain the next step.

Once I went through security (the security officers were incredibly nice and joked around with me) and I got to the main building there was an info/reception desk, but it was unfortunately empty. So I looked around and saw a huge line going to the windows 1-7 - it seemed like aside from a few people waiting on chairs almost everyone who entered the building went straight into this line. So I went to the back of the line and asked if everyone had to stand in that line and the people standing in that line said they weren't sure but they figured since everyone went in this line.. I stood there for a couple of minutes looking around the room, feeling a bit weird about standing in this line without knowing if it was right.

That's when I realized there was a small handwritten number 22 in the corner of my ticket, so I asked the people in front of me if they also had a number (other than the ticket number) on their ticket. They had 1-7 written on theirs so I realized I was indeed in the wrong line and that in the back corner of the hall was another line leading around the corner to window 22 (not visible from where I was standing).

So I switched lines and stood there for about 30 minutes - I was a bit nervous because window 22 said something like cash register next to it and people paid something when it was their turn. I was sure that I'd already paid all fees, but started second guessing thinking that maybe I'd missed something.

When it was finally my turn and I gave the lady my ticket and she said something along the lines of 'omg you should have come straight to me your number has already passed.' I was confused and told her that no one had told me to go straight to window number 22 and I didn't know I could've just skipped the line. She ended up saying it was okay and it apparently happens all the time. She took my passport, my picture and my passport delivery registration form and sent me to sit down to wait until my number was called.

A few minutes later my number was called. At the window a very nice German lady went with me over my DS-260, double checked all my original paper work, handed me a domestic abuse pamphlet, explained the next steps, aka the rest of the visa/green card process to me and asked if I had any questions. Super nice!! She told me to sit down and wait for my number to pop up again for my interview with the officer.

About 30ish minutes later my number was called again for my interview and the officer was once again super nice and she asked me a few basic questions and told me then that they couldn't make a decision until they received the medical paper work (I couln't get an appointment before Aug 24th), but she also wished me a safe move with a wink

=>> Overall I'd say I had a pretty good experience aside from the ticket ladies - everyone else was super nice and the wait wasn't crazy - I'd say I was out in less than 3 hours. Good luck to everyone who has their appointment soon, but don't worry too much - have all your documents with you and you'll be fine )

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