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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #30455

Ghana Review on December 1, 2021:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

On the day of the interview my fiancé was asked a few questions about us, how did we meet, how many times we’ve seen each other, etc. When I had submitted the petition we had only seen each other 2x but we had photos from 3 meetings so the interviewer was stuck on that until my fiancé explained that I was there earlier this year to visit. He let it go and circled back to that question, luckily my fiancé had my fight itineraries and my actual printed tickets and showed him, as well as my passport entry stamps. No other questions were asked, nothing about my job, nothing about finances, etc.

Overall the experience was good. He was told to expect his visa in a week and a week later it was issued.

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