New Delhi, India | Review on May 28, 2008: | golf

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Just got back from the interview. It was at 8am and we were done by 845am...here is whathappened...
go thru security check outside smoothly, then get token for leaving cellphone with security and go thru metal detector. Once inside the main room went to window 17 for fingerprinting then was asked to sit, in 2 mins called at window 14 and asked to turn in medical and ds 156 forms, indian guy at window asked where i have traveled internationaly and then asked to go pay fee and bring back receipt. Then we sat for 10 mins and i was called to window 14 again for interview...asked how we met, what his parents do, why K1 and not K3?then the lady said congrats
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