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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #2808

London, United Kingdom Review on April 30, 2008:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

The day started out very early for me. Nerves had already set in from the day before and I couldn't sleep so by the time I got to London at 6:30am I had already been awake for around 20 hours. Nerves are a killer. I wondered around with my mum as she kindly drove me to my interview and kept me company before the interview. As there isn't much open at 6:60am we found a Starbucks (they never seem to close) and sat down for around 40 minutes or so. After this I decided we should have a walk up Oxford street to kill time and then wondered back down to the Embassy for around 8:30am.

At this point I wasn't feeling to nervous but more excited towards what was going on and what I was about to do. Anyhow, before I joined my line for the 9:00am interview I had to take off my belt and e
mpty all my pockets into a clear plastic bag to hand over to security. I found this semi interesting as the visa packets tell you not to bring anything with you what so ever but they do let you in with backpacks and food.

Once I had gone though the security line and handed over my phone (no phones allowed, also don't even think about taking a laptop) I then wondered around the embassy to the entrance and picked up my 2 tickets. I then proceeded to the waiting room. If anyone is really nervous about this process it's not as bad as it sounds. Once I got into the waiting room I put my belt back on, found a seat and had my eyes glued to the screens calling out numbers. It's a little bit like playing bingo but without winning money. I waited for around an hour or so before my number was called to goto window number 14.

Now that I have been called to the window the nice guy on the other side asked for my police certificate and I-129 forms. He asked for them in a certain order and handed me a long piece of yellow paper with payment info and details of how much my visa costs (roughly $133, note that you can only pay by major credit cards or cash, they do not accept bank cards). I then went back to my window after making the payment and followed all his instructions. He also asked for passport photos, from what I gather they don't mind what type of passport photos you have US or UK standard either way i recommend taking UK and US types as you never know when they will be handy. Once he had taken a photo of my passport photo he asked me to place my left and right index fingers on the scanner followed by standing back and stretching out my arms to play my thumbs onto the scanner. Once I had done all these fun things from what I recall I had to sign some paperwork and I was told to take my number and take a seat while they get everything ready for my interview.

Back in the waiting room I am feeling semi releaved and a bit more relaxed even though the whole room feels a bit like a cattle auction. I wait for around another hour I think it's about 10:45am around this point as there are no clocks in the embassy, I'm sure that has been done for a reason but who knows. Once I have waited around for almost another 40 minutes or so my number is called and I have to goto window 15. At this point I am very tired, probably the worst time but In a way being so tired took my mind off being nervous and I also think a little slower when I'm tired to less room for making mistakes.

I get to the window and have to hold my right hand up and swear that all the information contained withing the packets and submitted information is true. I am asked a few questions about my fiance which from what I can remember were "why are you moving to America", "when do you plan to depart","when is your date of birth/when was your fiance born". I answered all the questions correctly as I know my fiance to well not to know all this information. I can remember some of the questions but not all of them, they weren't a challenge if this is a concern to most people. Once I had answered the questions I then had to sign one of the forms from the I-129 (i think) and fill out my fiances name, I made the mistake of writing my fiances name where I was mean to put my own name, this is a common issue so I was told and the nice man just said put a line though and write your name above (I guess a lot of people make this mistake as there are so many different lines on that sheet of paper so close together).

I signed the form and signed my name followed by the guy at the window telling me my visa has been approved as long as my finger prints are approved from the background check. I missed out 2 parts from above, on my first window visit I had to fill out a pink form which is for the currier service and I have to give all my finger prints at this interview window all 8 fingers and both thumbs. I was then told to take my pink form to the currier service line and pay my £14 to send the visa and passport back to me.

This part was rather interesting, I felt so releaved and happy that my visa had been approved but I still had to spend another 40 minutes in line to pay for my delivery. It's like they don't want you to escape, either way after waiting around I paid my delivery charge and headed outside after almost 3 hours told my mum I got approved and called my fiances straight away.

Before I left the window and I was told that my visa was approved the guy said that my visa is approved as long as my finger prints come back clean without any convictions.

**Follow up**

When you pay for your currier delivery they say it can be up to 5 days but I found this morning on the 29/04/2008 my visa arrived in a black bag with my passport, tax transcripts and the brown packet. Remember don't open the brown packet. I now have a nice new visa sticker in the back of my passport with all my details and VISA and K1 stamped all over it. Instead of taking 5 days it took a sum total of 2 working days not including the weekend as the embassy from what I gather doesn't process anything on weekends.

I hope this has been helpful for anyone who is reading, I have tried to put in as much detail as I could. Sorry for my poor grammer but I'm not really into writing essays and such.

Anyone who hasn't had their interview yet I wish you luck and hope everything goes smooth. Don't let the nerves get to you

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