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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #2805

London, United Kingdom Review on April 29, 2008:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

As someone has said before, there are so many reviews on here. So I'll try and make it slightly different.
1. The queue outside the Embassy might look long but it is very organised and there is no chance of anyone pushing in etc. Everyone is seen in turn based on their alloted schedule. The queue is outside so check the weather forecast. I did notice a container with umbrellas so they do look after you.

2. They ask you to remove your belt. Embarrassing for me in two ways. Firstly, my black belt didn't go with my brown trousers. Shock! Secondly, my trousers were slightly too big so I had them manging around my butt as if I was trying to look "street".

3. While we are on the subject of clothes, people were wearing all manner of outfits. The men looked slightly smarter than the women. Some people wore suits. You've got this far I don't think they'll say "no" based on what you are wearing.

4. So you get inside and you are given a numberin the 1000's, 2000's or 5000's. Each set of numbers is related to a different type of visa. When I got in, there were 7 immigrants waiting, 43 non-immigrants, and about 12 of another kind.

5. You can play "spot the air hostess" when you are in there. They are the group of giggly, slightly better looking than average people. The women will be over made-up and the men are a bit flamboyant. Still, the fact that they are there being a bit loud and smiley lighten the mood of the room.

6. As they take your watches off(!) I don't know how long I had to wait for each of my interviews but the whole process took 2 hours from arriving to leaving.

7. You wait in what is a bit like an airport lounge with a load of cashiers windows. Although you sit while waiting, you stand when being dealt with by the cashiers.

8. I took more paperwork than I needed which was helpful as.....MY FIANCE HAD FORGOTTEN TO SIGN THE AFFADAVIT OF SUPPORT!! As this paperwork had already been approved in America there wasn't really a problem, but my heartrate did rise ever so slightly.

9. Don't be nervous. THere was a woman next to me who had her crime report on her lap sitting next to me. She had four convictions for theft and she was still being processed!!

10. I expected a grilling in the second interview but it was all done casually as the man looked through my paperwork. I was asked the following questions:
"Where did you meet"
"Was she living here when you met her"
"How many trips have you made to the US"
"What was the length of your longest stay"
"Why are you moving there and not her moving here?"
"Where will you live"
"How long have you been in your current job?"
"When will you fly to America"

And that was it. They didn't look at the photos, the e-mails etc.

They say that the visa will be with you in 3-5 working days but I have just been texted to say that it's arriving tomorrow. That was 2 days.

I left the Embassy and met up with a guy from this site who was having his medical in London. We swapped tales of the process over too many pints of Guinness. Result. 7 months of waiting but obviously worth it.

Last day at work tomorrow. Have agreed a price on the sale of my house. Have arranged shipping with "Excess Baggage.com" (approx £500 for 15 3ft boxes)

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