London, United Kingdom | Review on April 26, 2008: | AdricandMichelle

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My interview it's self was very quick and easy...The worst part of the day was standing around.
I arrived for my appouintment at 9:30am and waited outside in the freezing rain for 3hrs. At least they gave us umbrellas. Then when i finally did get inside there was another 1 1/2 wait before they called my number. I was then asked to check i had all the right documents with me and photographs (if you do nothave everything there is a computer to print some forms off, not sure which ones as i had everything) There is also a photo booth there if you need pictures. I was then asked to pay for my visa. Then told to sit and wait again. After 1 more hour i was called for my second interview, The gentleman just asked me where i met my fiance and when was th last time i saw him and i got approved in less than 5 minutes.
I was very nervous before hand, but trust me there is nothing to be nervous of. it is very quick and easy, as long as the paper work you give them is in order it should besmooth sailing...good luck everyone
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