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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #27876

Frankfurt, Germany Review on January 27, 2020:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Same experience as previous reviewers, the embassy staff was very friendly and helpful, and the interview was quick and more like a friendly conversation than anything.
The questions I got were:
Tell me about your fiance (a bit too open ended for my near-nervous-breakdown mind so I responded something to the effect of "Well, what would you like to know?")
What is his name?
When and how did you meet?
Have you visited him since you started dating? How often?
Have you met his family? Has he met yours?
What does he do for a living? What do you do?

To put anyone at ease about having to learn important dates by heart: I have a terrible memory, and didn't even try. My answers to the above questions were rather vague (eg. met about 5 years ago, together since about 3 1/2, i have been over to see him about twice a year,...) and the officer seemed perfectly okay with that and never asked for a more precise answer than what I gave. So no worries!!!

The actual interview took maybe ten minutes, the waiting altogether about two hours.

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