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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #27629

Frankfurt, Germany Review on December 4, 2019:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

I arrived 20 minutes before my actual appointment (08:30) and lucky me, the lines were empty (one for visas, one for US citizens). I got called to a window and had to give my passport. she applied a sticker on it and gave it back to me with a number. I was directed to security, which I passed quickly (I left all my belongings and smartphone in a lock box at the trainstation). afterwards I went to the next building (following the green lines on the sidewalk), which is a huge hall with many counters. there is a reception which you cannot miss. they directed me to the cashier window with some written information about the process of my appointment at the consulate. at that window (22) my passport was taken into my case file and the mailing address got checked. the officer also made sure I had provided all documents and sent me to the waiting area. it was 08:30 by now. so that went very fast.

3 other applicants were already waiting. a short time later my number, which I got at the very first window, appeared above a counter and I went to window 20, where my personal dates were checked and confirmed. I was shown the envelope with documents I would recieve in case they would approve my visa and then I had to wait again for the actual interview. it was 09:45 when my number was called. there was only one interview officer today. I had hope it wouldn't take too long (helpful for my nerves), because the 2 last applicants before me were done in 5-10 minutes. after each interview the caseworker needs some time to prepare for the next one. when I got to his window, he greeted me with a very kind radiation. first I had to swear the oath that everything is the truth, then I had to give fingerprints (was a bit tricky with very dry hands) and then he asked me the following questions:

- where have I met my fiancè?
- when was that?
- when did we meet the first time?
- when did we start dating?
- how often have we met?
- when was the last time?
- have we been married before?
- when did we get divorced?
- does my fiancè have children?
- do I?
- when do we plan to marry?
- where will we marry?
- where is my fiancè currently?

after what felt like 5 minutes (and had only been 5 minutes :D) he told me, he has good news. all papers are provided and complete and he will approve my visa. I was over the moon and instantly relieved. He gave me an impression of what the little package will look like when UPS is delivering my passport and then we were done. I was out of the consulate around 09:55.

in summary, this was a very nice and friendly conversation. at no point I felt interrogated. the consular officer was helping a lot to ease my nervousness with his way of guiding me through the interview. of course the staff in general is very friendly and helpful and has answered my questions patiently and with a smile. the interview was conducted in english.

I am thankful for that very pleasant experience.

(updated on December 4, 2019)

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