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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #2726

Peru Review on April 14, 2008:

Shannon and David

Review Topic: K1 Visa

Sorry about the last entry! Whoops, thought I could come back and edit it...

We arrived together at the Embassy about 8:00 for our 8:30 appt. We sat down and were called up twice to little windows that were there (small waits in between). We had to give our papers to the two different people that we talked to at the windows: police certificates, medical exam, birth certificate, all of the forms that we filled out for the government (ds-156, ds-157 (these first two items were not included in the packet 3), of156-k, of-179 (from packet 3)) and his passport. Each of the two ladies asked us a few questions: How many times did Shannon come to visit you? How long have you known each other? When did you meet? I think that we also handed over the I-134 and its supporting documents at that time as well.

After another little wait, we were called to room 15, where the actual interview took place. I asked if I could be there with David and he said yes. There was another person sitting behind the consulate officer as we answered questions. There he had to sign the paper that had to be notarized by the consulate officer. He asked us the same questions as above and also wanted to know when David proposed and where. He asked how many kids we wanted to have after I commented that we hoped to have children after he asked David if he had any kids. There were some other basic questions about info on the forms and why had I been traveling in Peru when I met David.

He was really nice and asked a few questions about how I learned to speak Spanish, where I went to school, what I did for a living, etc.

He told us on the spot at the end of the interview that our visa was approved! Yay! He gave us a little ticket to take to the DHL people outside to set up delivery of David's passport/visa!

We were there for a total of an hour and a half. We left at 10:00.

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