Mumbai, India | Review on April 9, 2008: | Apu

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
We did get approved for Visa. Yeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
However very disapointed with type of questioning my Fiancee had to go through.
Questions borderlined on being racist and awkward.
Example I am from a different state in india then my fiancee and she was asked What her Race was, What mine was and why is she getting married to someone from different state?
2nd Question although I have a problem with I do understand their point of view so can accept it with some reservations.
Since this is my 2nd attemp at getting married and hers First, and I do have a child, she was asked why does she want to marry someone with kid when she can marry elsewhere. If you read between the lines she implied it must be my fault that my previous marriage ended even though the court found that my Ex had mental issues.
The intervier was a local person shabbily dressed sitting with her legs on chair. Hair was not done / looked liked done using her own fingures.
Not what I would expect from my Country's consulate. I love this country and have lived here for over 24 years now but my first impolite experience came from the country of my origin.
None the less both my Fiancee and I were determined to not let anyone intimidate us and were fully prepared for an all day session of questions if need be. We were granted the visa and look forward to spending the rest of our lives togather.
To all the applicants. Let truth be your strength and nothing can stop you from getting the visa. Be fully prepared, Organized and go with confidence. And above all Have faith. Trust in your God no matter what name you use to know Him with. You will come out with flying colors no matter what part of world you are from.
God Bless.
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