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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #26944

Haiti Review on August 26, 2019:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

My Fiance interview was schedule for September 6th, 2018. Upon arriving my fiance stated he was asked a few question such as who sent for him, when we met and a couple of basic information. Upon reviewing all the information they asked him for the divorce documents. Unfortunately for us I did not know that the actual marriage license was needed and only sent in the judge approval of divorce notice and my fiance did not have his divorce documents either. The CO advised him to mail in both a divorce and marriage certificate for himself and a divorce decree for I. The CO also advised him to send proof of communication from the very month we started dating. I was able to get my divorce certificate mailed out in 2 days but my fiance paperwork took 5 months, documents went out in Feb.. Due to the riots and government shut down and not to mention Haiti's unorganized records systems. Upon sending the documents in i was told it would not exceed 60 days in AP. It took 11 months from the time of his interview and 6 months from the time we submitted the request documents for his visa to be approved.

I hope and wish Haiti gets some type of organization going on to were they are able to have people working in different departments so those who are on AP wont fall into a loophole.

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